- Train a Generative Adversarial Network to Create Magic Symbols
- How to Send Data between PC and Arduino using Bluetooth LE
- Getting Started with Bluetooth LE on the Arduino Nano 33 Sense
- Arduino RAMPs 1.4 Custom Firmware
- Programming Arduino from Raspberry Pi Command Line
- Install Tensorflow and OpenCV on Raspberry Pi
- Generating LEGO Images for Training a CNN
- Training a CNN to Classify LEGOs
- A LEGO Classifier -- CNN and Elbow Grease
- Setup a Local MySQL Database
- Understanding the MySQL Query
- Beginning MySQL for Data Analysts
- Creating a Neural Network Webservice
- Preparing a Small Server for a Neural Network Webservice
- Training a Toxic Comment Detector
- Distributing Machine Learning Jobs
- Using Python, NodeJS, Angular, and MongoDB to Create a Machine Learning System
- Recording Brain Waves -- Mongo Database with a NodeJS API
- Recording Brain Waves -- iOS SDK Setup
- Recording Brain Waves to MongoDB
- Setting up Nginx on Linode
- Creating a GPU Accelerated Deep-Learning Environment on Arch Linux
- Google Vision API using Raspberry Pi and Node
- 1B1 Robot
- Setup NodeJS Project Space on Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Porting DRV8830 I2C Motor Driver Code to NodeJS
- Editing Raspberry Pi Code Remotely from Visual Studio Code
- Lag() before MySQL 10.2
- Setup i2c on Raspberry Pi Zero W using Arch Linux
- Installing Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi with Immediate WiFi Access
- Upload Arduino or AVR Programs to ATtiny84/85 Over UART in the Browser
- Upload Arduino or AVR Programs to ATtiny84/85 Over UART
- SQL CASE and R Paste
- HMIS, R, SQL -- Work Challenge Four
- C3 HMIS Graph Gallery
- C3 Graphing
- Setup Headless WiFi on Re4son's Kali Pi
- HMIS, R, SQL -- Work Challenge Three
- Working with R Excel Libraries
- Comparing Values in R and SQL
- HMIS, R, SQL -- Work Challenge Two
- Give me MyFitnessPal Data!
- Filter to Most Recent HUD Assessment
- Read and Write CSVs in R
- Working with Dates in SQLdf
- HMIS, R, SQL -- Work Challenge One
- Preamble to Mixing R and SQL
- Bluetooth Low Energy in JavaScript
- Stitching Together HMIS Exports
- Lumi4 -- MVVM
- Lumi4 -- Unit and Integration Tests
- Annualized Count
- Choropleth and Heatmaps for HMIS Data
- Veteran's Report 2.0
- Coordinated Entry By-Name-List using HMIS CSV 5.1, R, and SQL
- Lumi4 -- LumiCommunication
- Lumi4 - init()
- Lumi3 Debriefing Notes
- JPS DSRIP Report V2.0
- Identifying Chronically Homeless and Veteran Participants throughout a COC
- Sampling Large Data
- ESPER -- ESP8266 Serial Communication Web Server
- Splitting Program Data
- Robber Board
- R Function to Split CSVs
- Shaping and Combining HMIS Data from ETO
- Attachment III, aka, The Zombie
- HMIS, R, and SQL -- Basics
- HMIS, R, and SQL -- Introduction
- ETO REST API in Swift -- Enterprise, Site, and Program Select
- ETO REST API in Swift
- How to Build a Robotics Digital-Hackerspace
- Lumi
- Lab Controller v05-09
- TinySafeBoot, Arduino, and Wireless Upload to ATtiny85
- Jazzy, Jekyll, and Swift 2.1
- HM-1X Aid
- iOS Serial Manager
- ATtiny Adventure -- I2C on ATtiny 84/85
- A Friendly Overlord
- Homemade Pulse Sensor
- Jot
- Dot Muncher
- Overlord
- HM-10
- Incomplete Works
- Restoring Angstrom to eMMC on Beaglebone Black
- Beaglebone Black
- OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi
- Pi Power -- How I Made a Battery Powered USB Hub
- Blueberry Pi -- How I Setup My Raspberry Pi as a Robot Base
- Arduino to RPi -- Galvanically Isolated I2C
- Populating and Programming and APM
- My Eagle PCB Walkthrough
- Make an ADXL345 Breakout Board
- Mega Mini Motor Shield (M^3)
- The Hunter S. Thompson Board -- Arduino Mega Mini
- First Robot
- C. Thomas Brittain