I've dreamed of a PCB with everything: uC, H-bridges, PSU, Lipo charger, inductive power collector,
a wirelesss device which would allow wireless uploading to the uC. A platform I could use for robotics and wearable projectss alike. Most of these features I have solved, yet one which I believed to be ever elusive to a hacker is wireless uploading. I've had lot of failed attempts, some as painful as writing my own uploader for the LPC1114, others as "simple" as hacking away at the Arduino IDE source. However, I've found a combination which brings me a bit of hope: TinySafeBoot, Arduino IDE, and most Atmega and ATtiny Atmel chips.
TinySafeBoot is a pretty neat GPL projects which is around 500 bytes. It is a bootloader which allows selection of any two pins as RX / TX for two-wire communication (it also has a one wire protocol). And it has a serial communication protocol.
The feature which makes TSB such a great choice for wireless bootloading is its serial protocol. Unlike the hardware protocol Arduino uses, serial communication allows the remote device to control the bootloaders workflow without flipping any hardware pins. Contrast with the Arduino's bootloader (I think it's optiboot now?) which focuses on resetting the device repeatedly to activate the bootloader.
The hardware approach doesn't work for quick, remote hardware resets. With the serial lag, the Arduino bootloaders are often comfortably booting an existing program by the time the first byte of a new program is reaching the RX pin. Also, there is no quick (sub 400ms) way to flip pins on my focused wireless devices, the HM-1X and ESP8266. In short, either the Arduino bootloader or software would need to be hacked; neither, which I've had the time to do.
There are other chip possibilities. I spent a lot of time trying to write a wireless uploader for the LPC1114. However, I do not yet have the skill level to finish it (I've not given up on it). There is also a psychological hangup working with the LPC1114. Its documentation. It is not that the docs for the 1114 are so bad, it is the docs for Atmel (makers of the Arduino heart) are so much better. This makes solving the wireless upload dilemma much more beneficial if it were solved for Atmel chips. Well, at least for a hacker like me who does not yet have the skill to move quickly through rougher documented chips. Honestly, it's about time--I've only so much and sometimes it is about getting a projects finished rather than what I might learn (blasphemy, right?).
Of course, TSB has other features such as auto-bauding and password protection, etc. It's not perfect, but I like it for its simplicity.
Getting TSB Setup
I have tested TSB on three devices, the ATtiny85, ATmega328P, and ATtiny1634.
However, the ATtiny1634 didn't work.
We are only going to download the software which allows you to generate "custom" firmware for whatever chip you are targeting.
From here on I will be demonstrating getting TSB going on an ATtiny85.
First, we will need an AVR ISP. Long ago I bought an AVR-ISP MKII which I used in combination with Atmel Studio 7. This will allow us to burn the bootloader and set the fuses. If you do not have an official AVR-ISP you can, theoritically, use AVRdude through the Arduino IDE in combination with an Arduino as an ISP programmer.
Either way, once we have our ISP setup we will connect it to the ATtiny85 like,
One note about the above breadboard. There is a momentary switch connected in series with the RESET pin,
This will allow us to easily reset the ATtiny85, which is needed to put the TSB into bootloader mode.
Notice the RX / TX will. They are not part of the ISP. They will be our bootloader's TX / RX pins when the bootloader has been burnt.
Bootloader Creation
Now, to generate the bootloader.
If you haven't, download the software, extract it to a workspace, and open that workspace in the command-line. The TSB software is CLI only.
Now enter the following,
C:\TSB_workspace>tsb tn85 b3b4
TSB then should generate a hex file titled something like,
This hex file will be our bootloader customized for our particular AVR, the ATtiny85.
To breakdown the TSB command,
tells the TSB SW we are looking to install this firmware on an ATtiny85. If you need to look up a chip code you can find it in a file in the TSB workspace titled "devices.txt"
tells the TSB SW you want to use PB3 as RX and PB4 as TX. I chose these as pins since they are not being used by the ISP.
, having the ISP and UART connected to the same pins
cause problems.
Bootloader Burning
To burn the newly generated bootloader you will need to have your ISP connected to the ATtiny85. First, check the fuses of your chip. According to the TSB website we need to have the following fuses set,
SELFPRGEN must be set to enable flash writes from firmware, e.g. TSB
BODLEVEL should be set to avoid flash corruption during unsafe device power-up.
LOCKBITS may be set to MODE 3 for enhanced security (i.e. serious password protection intended).
BOOTRST activated lets the MCU jump into the Bootloader Section (rather than $0000) with every hardware Reset.
BODLEVEL should be set to avoid flash corruption during unsafe device power-up.
BOOTSZ=10 or BOOTSZ=11 to reserve 512 bytes for a Bootloader Section.
BLB to MODE 2 or 3 protects Bootloader Section from undesirable write access by firmware.
LOCKBITS may be set to Mode 3 (LB-Mode 3) in a security environment.
Using Atmel studio, go to
Tools-->Device Programming
select your programmer (AVR ISP MKII for me), select the ATtiny85, and hit apply. Now, go to
and make sure they are set to the following for the ATtiny85.
If you need to set the fuses using an Arduino-as-ISP, well, I'm not sure I've ever done that, but here's an article that seems legit,
Once the fuses have been set it's time to burn the bootloader. Using the Atmel approach, go to
Tools--Device Programming
and click on
Device Signature
, this will allow the ISP to see if the chip is ready for uploading. Once the chip is verified, go to
and click on the ellipses and select your hex file,
Then hit
. With luck, your bootloader will burn and there will be much rejoicing.
To make sure the bootloader was burned correctly connect your ATtiny85 directly to a USB-to-UART. Open a serial terminal and connect at any baud rate 9600. Hit reset on the ATtiny85 and then quickly (within 2 seconds) send the
in the serial-terminal. If the bootloader has been burned the ATtiny85 should reply with
followed by device data.
Wirelessly uploading
Here's the fun part. I hooked up my ATtiny85, 2 x HM-10 modules, and an FTDI chip to a PC--like below,
To see if you everything is working, open a serial terminal program. I'm a little partial to this one:
HM-1X Aid
. Connect the your USB-to-UART using the serial terminal at 9600bps. Once you are connected, press the reset button on your ATtiny85 and send the character
from your terminal several times. If everything is setup correctly the chip should reply with,
followed by device information. If it doesn't reply, a few things to check.
Test your wireless connection. I had to make sure the Bluetooth devices had paired and the Bluetooth device connected to the ATtiny was baud setting was less than 115200.
Make sure your fuses are set correctly. Especially,
on the ATtiny, since it doesn't come from the factory set.
Uploading an Arduino Sketch Wirelessly
Ok, if you were able to get the bootloader to reply wirelessly it's time to test the whole setup. Open your Arduino and make sure you have install support for the ATtiny85,
voidsetup(){// put your setup code here, to run once:for(inti=0;i<9;i++){pinMode(i,OUTPUT);}}voidloop(){// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:intpin=0;for(inti=0;i<9;i++){digitalWrite(i,HIGH);}delay(500);for(inti=0;i<9;i++){digitalWrite(i,LOW);}delay(500);}
Still in the Arduino IDE go to
Sketch--->Export compiled Binary
. Save the hex file to your TSB Workspace. Open your TSB Workspace in the command prompt and type the following, replacing the COM port # with COM port you have the USB-to-UART on and replace the file name with the name of your newly compiled hex file.
Hit the RESET button on your ATtiny85 and then hit enter on your PC. If all goes as planned the command line will change to "Reading" and "Writing" appropriately. When the file has been uploaded, reset your ATtiny85. After a few seconds each pin on the ATtiny85 should go HIGH for half a second and then go LOW for half a second. If you don't have an LED or MM, open your serial terminal again, connect to the COM port with your wireless setup, your serial terminal should receive the character, "0x00" every half a second.
Other baud rates work. But I found anything over 38400 to be unstable.
That's it. Let me know what questions you have.
The future
Now there is a way to upload hex files wirelessly to a large array of chips, I plan to try a few things,
Write an uploader in C# which could handle controlling a PIN on the HM-1X remotely which would pull the ATtiny85's (or other chip) reset line low. This would allow me to wirelessly set the chip into bootloader mode.
I wanted to take a a moment and write out how I plan to document future Swift projectss.
Step One: Install
I found
. It's a command line utility for documenting Xcode projectss. Nifty thing is, it is one of the few which works with Swift 2+. Anyway, it is pretty painless to get up and going.
The one catch I found was Swift is changing versions often, so you may have to wait a bit for the developers to catch up. However, when the updates are released it is pretty easy to get things working again, simply run,
sudo gem update
in the terminal.
Step Two: Running
To run Jazzy you simply open a terminal window on your Mac, navigate to the top folder of your Xcode projects, and run
. You should get something like the following,
One super important note here. By default Jazzy
documents public methods. Therefore, you
pass Jazzy the flag
This is the only way you will get everything. If not, you will end up with an empty projects, most likely. Had to find this out the hard way.
Reference to the solution
If jazzy parsed everything correctly you will have a
folder in your projects folder. This docs folder is a pseudo-website build.
Step Three: Push to Pages
To get your documentation online, copy the
folder to your an appropriate directory in your Jekyll site map. Commit and push. Now your projects's documentation is apparent of the global singleton known as human knowledge. To get a link to the index of your documentation add the following,
I wont rehash Jazzy instructions. In short, you can put Markdown in your comments within the code and the parser will pick up the comments and associate them with the methods etc they are close.
It should look like above, "--exclude" (not the double dash) followed by the
path of the file to be excluded. Then a comma (","), no space, and then the absolute path of the second file you wish to exclude. It's pretty easy to make this into a script by doing the following.
Well, I've had the urge to hack. It's been strong for awhile now, sadly, with a more than fullt-time job and Bek in graduate school, I've just had no time.
Until now!
The new job I have (HMIS Database Manager) has
vacation time. I've had almost two weeks off (combined with the Christmas holiday). The first few days were obviously spent working...
After turning my phone and email I was able to...catch up on family time. Sigh. Then, clean house. Then, get bored. But with a few days left I actually got some hacking in.
I downloaded Visual Studio Express on my work computer a few months ago. (Shh. Don't tell the boss.) But I've not had time to write a single line of code. This holiday was a good time to learn C#!
Two weeks later I had this monster,
It is meant to be a GUI for the HM-10, HM-11, and HM-15 modules. The highlights,
It uses threads to prevent any "Sleeping." Keeps the UI healthy.
allow a lot of USB-to-UART chips to work.
Basic Terminal App features (view as ASCII, HEC, Decimal, etc.) like RealTerm and the others. BUT! With one feature I've longed for in a terminal app for so damn long. The ability to save your settings on exit. No more selecting 9600 baud for the billionth time.
I've put a lot of command validity checks in the system. For example, if you were to type "AT+CON0123
6789012" Would not be a valid command normally, but terminal will convert the "S" to "F."
I have also imbued it with a bit my understanding of the HM-1X datasheets. This is probably the greatest selling point of the program, sadly.
C# is my new favorite. Don't judge me :P.
I thought I would take some time to go into the code involved in the little terminal, not for posterity, merely for my own reference.
Quick reminder, for anyone unfamiliar with my posts:
I am not a profesionnal. These writings are not great. They are simply my journal towards understanding what the hell I'm doing
Object Oriented Programming
I have not posted as much lately. It is a combination of losing LMR and not having time since Bek started school. But I have definitely been writing code. The focus has been on learning OOP design. This this C# program was probably my first
object-oriented program. But I have also been writing in
for iOS, which is an OOP language as well.
Arlight, so what's the difference between OOP and the other thing? And why learn OOP? I thought robots used microcontollers which are much too small to handle OOP? Well, I'm learning every robot builder is
an object oriented programmer.
Difference between OOP and Procedural programming
I wont butcher others' explanations by rephrasing them. Instead, I'm going to list what helped me understand.
I believe every roboticist is both an object oriented programmer and a procedural programmer. They create objects with specific functions (PCBs, STLs, etc.), holding on to the plans so copies can be made. They instantiate those objects (print the STL, send the PCB file to OSHPark, etc). Each of these objects created usually has a specific purpose. The design of the object, a motor-controller for instance, is often only accessible by a specific input such as UART connection. Its outputs are controlled by how the inputs are digested by the motor-controller itself. The robot-builder may decide to add an accelerometer to the motor-controller by copying the design files and adding the needed accelerometer circuit (inheritance). And so forth.
It seems like a lot of the the concepts are supported by this metaphor,
Objects are great. Especially when they are walking, talking, grasping robotic sort of objects. However, each roboticist must line the insides of objects with procedures that move data through in a predictable manner. This means, at some granularity, objects are filled with small runs of procedural programming. Ultimately, it takes both for roboticists, object oriented programming and procedural programming. And I argue, whether aware or not, the roboticist practices both continuously.
Moving away from the hippy-dippy stuff; for my personal development as a robot builder I will be taking time to learn both, regardless of my possibly metaphor of convenience, as they both appear as roots of computational-thinking
In application, I want to know procedural programming to be effective. Microcontrollers often have small memory sets and the code needs to move from input to output with little overhead (hmm, procedural programming is a linear style and a line is the shortest distance between two points, there's gotta be something there). But I want to know how to connect my robot to large systems, such as a Raspberry Pi, PC, or the whooooole Internet. To do this effectively I need to be able to pass data between procedural and object based programs.
Avoiding Sleep
My program is walking between the microcontroller world and the big-boy-PC world. As I stated above, at some point the HM-1X module would need to pass its data to the PC. Here in lies a dilemma best explained by a picture,
For the HM-1X Aid the data is passed through the Serial connection. Of course, as I stated above, I am using the Systems.IO.Ports.SerialPorts framework to handle the incoming serial data. A nifty little aspect of IO.Ports is it actually has the
on a separate thread (more on threads in a moment). This event is triggered by an RX interrupt on whatever USB-to-
chip, which allows data to be handled as it is coming in.
Now, I mentioned methods for handling data probably go from procedural to object-oriented when moving upstream from a microcontroller to a PC. A USB-to-UART bridge is a perfect example. Receiving
data for a microntroller looks like this,
intincomingByte=0;// for incoming serial datavoidsetup(){Serial.begin(9600);// opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps}voidloop(){// send data only when you receive data:if(Serial.available()>0){// read the incoming byte:incomingByte=Serial.read();// say what you got:Serial.print("I received: ");Serial.println(incomingByte,DEC);}}
Here, the microcontroller is looping over a if-statement to see if there is any data available in the RX buffer. Whenever the
finds there are data available, then it will run through some procedures on handling those data. This method works OK, your microcontroller's program is only dealing with serial data. But what happens if is supposed to handle other tasks and your microcontroller has a never-ending stream of data? Whatever code is after the
if(Serial.available() > 0)
will not execute, since the available serial data will never be less than 0. This is referred to as using a "blocking" serial data method. Not sure how this term was derived, but I'm guessing "blocking" comes from how the method prevents the program from doing anything else
Hmm, wouldn't be better to handle serial data "immediately" when it comes in? That's where interrupts come in.
is an interrupt vector which fires every time the serial data is received. The interrupt vector calls a method which copies the data received from the serial buffer into the
voidMyFunction(){inti;intlength=Serial.available();intstring_buffer[32];//copy data out of the receive bufferfor(i=0;i<length;i++){string_buffer[i]=Serial.read();}//run a string compare function, or otherwise parse the received dataif(MySpecialStingCompare(string_buffer,"Hello Arduino")){Serial.println("Hello World");}}voidsetup(){Serial.begin(9600);Serial.onReceive(MyFunction);}voidloop(){//do nothing}
This is a non-blocking method of handling serial data. It takes advantage of a hardware level peripheral on the Atmel chips known as an
interrupt vector
. This particular interrupt is fired any time the RX pin receives a series of LOWs which resemble incoming data.
This method has the advantage of freeing the microcontroller to do other things in the main loop and handle data
when new data is received. This saves program from having to make a comparison every clock cycle. Also, and more importantly, it allows the microcontroller to immediately update data important to the purpose of the main process; this is critical in processes which are time sensitive, such as remote control on a quadcopter.
For example, if we wrote a radio controller for our quadcopter using a Bluetooth device which talks to an Arduino Pro Mini. If we used the blocking method the Arduino receives any data from the radio controller, like, oh I don't know, "Don't run into that tree!" the main process on the Arduino would not have this information until it gets back to the
Serial.available() > 0
. Not cool if milliseconds matter.
However, if you were to write the same radio controller using non-blocking, interrupt based serial communication, then whenever you send the signal to the Bluetooth device, and that device sends it serially to the Arduino, the Arduino will basically bookmark its place in the main process and handle any data regarding its immediate crash.
Another example, what happens if your Arduino has an LCD which is meant to display the output of a temperature sensor. Yet, the temperature sensor and display are a small portion of what the Arduino is doing. If the temperature changes using the blocking methods, then the LCD will not be updated until the Arduino finishes whatever tasks and makes it back around to the
if(Serial.available() > 0)
. This will make your LCD's responsiveness be clunky.
Contrast this with the non-blocking method (see what I did there?). Setting up an interrupt on the temperature sensor to update the LCD whenever the temperature changes will make LCD appear responsive to temperature changes. This is how a 3D Printer handles the thousands of tasks it must complete and still keep its LCD responsive.
Good stuff.
Alright, so that's how a microcontroller handles things--even with interrupts it's still processing tasks one at a time. We can avoid the appearance of slowing the microcontroller with processing intensive tasks, like waiting on serial data to be received, but ultimately, the microcontroller is handling the tasks one at a time. So what does this have to do with my C# program?
Let's take a look at C#'s version of 'Serial.onReceive()'
stringInputData="";// Read Data.privatevoidDataReceivedHandler(objectsender,SerialDataReceivedEventArgse){// Gets incoming data from open port and passes it to a handler.InputData=ComPort.ReadExisting();data="";data=InputData;}
This is probably the simplest version of a
using C#. In short, it fires whenever data is received; so it's non-blocking. The method, as I have it written, simply grabs the data from the interrupt buffer using
and shoves it into the
. Pretty simple, right? Being candid, I believe it is one reason so many
using IO.Ports.SerialPort framework. But how is IO.Ports.SerialPorts different than the
Arduino HAL
? Hmm, perhaps I should have used a more credible comparison.
But coming back to the complex command. What if a computer sends a command to the microcontroller and expects a response? It's going to take some time for the microcontroller to reply. In the meantime, what does the PC do? It could run off to do other tasks and wait for the onReceive to fire. But, what if one of those tasks requires some information from microcontroller. In short, the microcontroller is holding up the show and little can be done but wait.
We know the PC is going to need to wait. Coming back to the blocking and non-blocking methods we looked at on microntroller, the only option really available in C# is the non-blocking, which is good because it's our favorite. But is it really enough?
If our PC program is serial-data centric, meaning the PC's processes are dependent on the microcontrollers data and vice-versa, then simply using the non-blocking helps us little. The PC could move from waiting on serial data to painting a label on the UI, but what if the text in that label is meant to be data from the microcontroller? Regardless of how we look at at it, it seems like it would be best for the sake of our program to throttle the PC to the microcontroller.
Remember, this is for one byte, so if we send the string, "Mario, your princess is in another castle" (41 x chars) it will take approximately half a second (41 x 10 = 410 milliseconds = ~0.5 second), which will definitely be noticeable if it is meant to be displayed. Hmm, I guess we identified the hold up, eh? This means even if we were limited to the Arduino speed we would probably still get a smooth UI--without it appearing clunky. But, limited to the UART-to-USB; well, crap. This affirms my speculation, we will need to throttle the PC, the UI, the microcontroller, pretty much to the whole system to be respective of the sluggishness of the UART-to-USB.
Alright, if I've sold you on the program we are ready to ask, "What's the best way to throttle the program?"
Let me jump how I did this in C#.
The main difference between C# and Arduino's data receive methods is the C# method takes place on a separate thread. Now days most PCs have multiple cores and in object oriented programming these are harnessed through
. Most microcontrollers have one core (yes, yes, except the Parrallax), so threading is not common on a microcontroller.
Now, I'm going to dare to oversimplify what little understanding I have regarding threads. Since I came from the hardware side the way I think of threading is having two Arduinos connected by I2C. One of the Arduinos is the master and the other the slave. Whenever the master Arduino gets data from the USB-to-UART there is code on the master which sends half the data to the slave Arduino via I2C, with some instructions it should do some particular tasks with the data and send the results back to the master Arduino. While the slave works on its half of the data, the master is working on the other half. If the slave gets done first (there is nothing dictating which order they finish in; they are asynchronous) the master has an interrupt on the I2C, it sees the slave is done, and tells him to wait to send its results. After the master finishes, it sends a request for the completed data from the slave. Lastly, if the master finishes first, then it waits with a dirty-look only 8-bit ICs can give while the slave finishes its crunching. Ultimately, when all the data is crunched the main processor does something with it. Each Arduino here would be a processor and the tasks running on them would be a thread.
Inside the PC we have something similar going on, but instead of two Arduninos you would have two processors on the same die.
I like to think of a thread as a separate process within our system. Of course, we can't call the second process, "main process." We've already got one of those. And computers don't like ambiguity. Instead, let's get creative and call the second process something wild, fun, and bizarre! Like..."second process."
Let me to try and explain how this is different than the Arduino HAL. In C# the second process is pretty much like the main process. With one grand honking exception: The user interface (UI) runs on the main process and cannot be updated by any other process. This makes perfect sense; you wouldn't want half a button to show on your UI, right? Instead, a protocol saving data in a space both processes can access it and a flag to look in the shared space when updated. This is like the old snail-mail mailbox where the flag is raised when you want the post-person to look for an epistel.
Bringing it back to my code. The HM-1X's serial DataReceivedEvent is on one process and my UI is on another. This means, when my program gets data serially then it puts that data in the shared space and lets the main process know data has been received.
Those of you who are probably sharper than me will notice an issue
to the Arduino and its LCD. If the data coming in and the UI are working out of sync what happens if a user does something like continually hit the Send on a command without waiting for a serial response to be received. The best case scenario is we got an "OK" for every time the command was sent. However, if it is a more complicated command which requires a back-and-forth between the microcontroller and the PC, well, big problems. It would be like a
sloth and a rabbit trying to have a conversation
. Those of you from the Arduino world know the common (however, I'll argue poor) answer to this dilemma:
in the Arduino basically tells the microcontroller to do nothing for however long you tell it. After waiting the Arduino can then check to see if there is an answer waiting for it. There are two main reasons this isn't diserable. But let's take a look at this delay setup in C#.
The above code will write data to the serialport and will sleep for 5 seconds after. This
call will actually puts the main thread to sleep. This means all of the UI will become non-responsive and anything which might happen on the main thread will be blocked. This is very similar to our first Arduino code set, but instead of receiving data, we are writing it.
The intention of this solution is to send a command to the UART-to-USB and wait for a response. A couple of problems,
The main thread is shut down while waiting.
Response time must be predetermined.
Now, the response time can be taken care of with better code handling it. However, the "frozen" UI posed an issue. I tried to keep it pretty simple by removing the
With this code the
is called all most of the non-critical UI elements are disabled. This gives the user the impression he or she needs to wait, without making the program appear frozen. This worked great. Not only was my RX method interrupt driven, it was on a whole different thread. There were no worries about losing important data received from the USB-to-UART. Oh, but wait, the UI never was re-enabled. Hmm.
No problem. I added a method to our
to re-enable the UI
stringInputData="";// Read Data.privatevoidDataReceivedHandler(objectsender,SerialDataReceivedEventArgse){// Gets incoming data from open port and passes it to a handler.InputData=ComPort.ReadExisting();data="";data=InputData;enableUI();}
This worked great! Oh, but wait, if there was a problem and a response was never received then the UI was never re-enabled. No worries, let's add a timeout feature.
//Write DatapublicvoidWriteData(stringdataToWrite){ComPort.Write(dataToWrite);DisableUI();setResponseTimeout(500);}// Read Data.privatevoidDataReceivedHandler(objectsender,SerialDataReceivedEventArgse){// Gets incoming data from open port and passes it to a handler.InputData=ComPort.ReadExisting();data="";data=InputData;enableUI();// Let's disable the timer since we didn't use it.HM1Xtimer.Enabled=false;}// The consumer interface for the response timer.publicvoidsetResponseTimeout(intresponseTime){responseTimeout=responseTime;}// Creates the response timers and attaches the elapse method.privatevoidHM1XCallbackSetTimer(intmilliseconds){// Create a timerHM1Xtimer=newSystem.Timers.Timer(milliseconds);// Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer.HM1Xtimer.Elapsed+=hm1xCommandTimedCallback;HM1Xtimer.AutoReset=false;HM1Xtimer.Enabled=true;}// This event is fired if the response timer elapses.privatevoidhm1xCommandTimedCallback(Objectsource,EventArgse){if(data==""){waitingOn=hm1xConstants.hm1xEnumCommands.ERROR;}}
Yay! That code is darn clever, right? Let's compile, run it, and celeb...son-of-a-B! It wouldn't compile.
The problem is with the
call in the
method. It seems the
is actually taking place on a separate thread from the main thread, and the main thread is where the UI is being maintained. This is where the good-ole-Ghostbusters adage is important to recall:
Don't cross the streams! EVER!
Staying away from explaining what I don't understand, I'll simply say: Don't cross thread. One thread should not be updating what another thread is working on. Instead, information from one thread should be set down and the other thread notified it is ready.
These metaphors are nice and all, but how do we implement a thread friendly solution?
//Write DatapublicvoidWriteData(stringdataToWrite){ComPort.Write(dataToWrite);DisableUI();setResponseTimeout(500);}// Read Data.privatevoidDataReceivedHandler(objectsender,SerialDataReceivedEventArgse){// Gets incoming data from open port and passes it to a handler.InputData=ComPort.ReadExisting();data="";data=InputData;enableUI();// Let's disable the timer since we didn't use it.HM1Xtimer.Enabled=false;// Pass data to main thread.gotData(sender,data)}....// RX event handler triggered by SerialPort. Hands off data quick. // If you try to update UI from this method, threads tangel.publicvoidgotData(objectsender,stringdata){// Incoming data is on another thread UI cannot be updated without crashing.this.BeginInvoke(newSetTextCallback(SetText),newobject[]{data});}// This method happens on main thread.publicvoid(stringtext){txbMainDisplay.Text=text;}
This is pretty complex and I poorly understand it. In fact, I wrote this whole article with the hope it would help me understand this part. Here's what I think is going on:
We create an event which will fire every time the USB-to-UART,
in this method there is a call to
. In the
call we use the
method. The
then executes
method on the main thread. We know 'SetText' is being called from the main thread because of the word
in the command. This is a place holders for the object of origination. It looks complicated, but really, the thread controlling the UART-to-USB is simply calling a method on the main thread whenever it has received data, and passing it the data it received.
And that's it. Using this method we can enable and disable the UI every time data is sent or received.
A few more notes,
This method doesn't need to be used for disabling the UI. The
is actually executed on the main thread. It is the
which is executed on a different thread.
This process gets a little more complicated when you are dealing with multiple objects, which is what I did. In my code
object handles all the data receiving and sending of data, so delegates are used to pass data back-and-forth between threads and objects.
That's about it. Let me know what questions I can try to answer.
It's strange, since they have some great hardware and some excellent software. But alas, trying to get a robot to connect to any iOS product is like asking Steve Jobs to come to dinner; you'll get your hopes up, but, alas, he's dead. So, short of a necromancy and some Frebreeze, it's not going to happen.
But, I've found the backdoor to getting your iOS device to help your robot, and my friend, I'm going to give you the key.
Those little HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy PCBs that I've written about for so long. Those combined with a iOS developer license ($99 a year) and you can get your robot to do all sorts of neat tricks using your iOS device for higher functions.
Ok. Now, for the purpose of this post. I have created some breakout boards that'll let you interface your microcontroller with Bluetooth, which will let you access your iOS device from your robot, but, not easily.
The CoreBluetooth API is a little abstract and cumbersome. I've found myself writing the same code over-and-over as I try to get my robot to do cool tricks. I think the closest I've come to something neat has been using my iOS device (iPhone 4S) as a robot radio controller. Well, I decided I needed to start using the
method when I programmed. It's funny. I think I've been writing in Swift since the first day you could compile in it, but I have been treating my writing as
procedural programming
. It was mainly out of ignorance, since I've always programmed procedurally, and when I started in languages which were meant to be written as
(OO) languages I never took the time to learn the differences, nor how I should write. It has made me very frustrated.
But after some advice form
Mr. Bdk6
I took some time to try and understand the purpose of OOP. Really, all I did was watch this video:
It was seriously enlightening. Maybe I was primed for a thought-shift (for you 90's kids, "A paradigm shift.") But the concepts of a encapsulation and message-passing were are forcefully explicit to a robot rebel. A robot is self-contained system. It has internal and external behaviors. It has some information it shares with others; the same as message passing. But other parts of its memory reserved for the robot only. Object-oriented programming is something roboticist cannot help but do.
All right, to the point of this article.
I am writing a CoreBluetooth handling class in Swift. It is meant to take care of a lot of the boring responsibilities when communicating to a serial BLE device from an iOS device. Things discovering services or characteristics, setting up buffers, handling autoreconnect on disconnect, or perhaps mapping the -20 to 127 RSSI on to a green to red color. In short, all the boring stuff you must do to get your HM-10/11 to talk to an iOS and help a robot brother out, well, I hope this class will make it easy. It should be noted, this Class is written in Swit 2.0, tested on an iPhone 6 with iOS 9.0.2 and 9.1.
The projects is an app meant for a iPhone. It is simple. It has one View which is blank, but has a "Scan" button which will provide a table list of all BLE devices in range.
Here we create an immutable instance of the
, we call it
. This initializes a lot of properties you will need to handle the BLE devices discovered. It _also _starts searching for advertising BLE devices.
Also, notice I initialized this instance before any other classes. This is on purpose. I want my
instance to be visible to all other Swift files in the projects. And a benefit of Swift design is such a declaration will do that, make your instance visible to all files. After my bleSerialManager instance is initialized _then _ our ViewController class is initialized. Notice, any Class which is meant to access the instance should include the
. This requires the ViewController class to conform to the
of our instance. Currently, there are no required methods, but there are several optional methods, which I will detail later, but for now they are named:
After you initialize your bleSerialManager instance
you must set the
in every class that will be receiving data from CoreBluetooth
. This should be accomplished in the viewWillAppear,
viewDidLoad. This will assure everytime the view is visible it is ready for the data coming from the Bluetooth device.
This allows you to set whether you want your iOS device (usually the acting as the Master / Central) to automatically reconnect to the laster peripheral it was connected. It takes three parameters. The first,
on: Bool
, sets whether you want a reconnect behavior. Then,
tries: Int
tells the instance how many times you want to try to reconnect to the last peripheral before it gives up. And
timeBetweenTries: Double
is the amount of time in seconds you would like wait before your iOS devices tries to reconnect.
Much like the afore stated function, this function defines what actions will be taken if your Central device is unable to connect to a device you tell it to connect. To be specific, this function would execute if you tell your Central (iOS device) to connect to a peripheral, it begins to the steps intended for establishing connection, but is disrupted sometime before it establishes solid connection.
setMutipleConnections(numberOfDevices: Int)
Here, you tell the iOS device to limit its number of connected devices. It should be noted, this function does not look as how many connections are possible, but rather, how many connection you would like to limit your program to attempt.
I found this function helpful since I had several HM-10 devices I was trying to connect. Strangely, the HM-10 when in peripheral role can connect to a central role which has other connections established, but if the HM-10 is in central role it can only handle one connection. Regardless, this is to prevent you program from wasting time attempting establishing a connection which is not needed.
A few notes,
none of these behavior functions are required to be called. The
will work proper without the calls; it defaults to the following,
After we have setup it's time to find some devices.
// Begin search automatically.hm10serialManager.search(1.0)
This manually initiates the
Central Manager
search for peripherals. If it discovers a peripheral it logs its information (mostly) in a Swift
. Each dictionary's values are keyed by the
discovered for a respective device. Here are the types of data collected by the Central Manager,
// Dictionaries for device details on discovered devices.privatevardiscoveredDeviceList:Dictionary<NSUUID,CBPeripheral>privatevardiscoveredDeviceListRSSI:Dictionary<NSUUID,NSNumber>privatevardiscoveredDeviceListUUIDString:Dictionary<NSUUID,String>privatevardiscoveredDeviceListNameString:Dictionary<NSUUID,String>privatevardiscoveredDeviceListAdvertisementData:Dictionary<NSUUID,[String:AnyObject]>
Notice, these
are all private (i.e., none are
made into properties
). This is purposeful and doesn't necessarily comply with suggested Swift design. I chose to follow the strict OOP design pattern of only exposing fields through methods. That is, each of the properties other instances will have access to will be done so through a
getter method.
Optional Call Back Method #1
Included in the bleSerialManager are several optional methods meant to serve as callbacks in your main instance. The
method is called when the amount of search time passed to the
has expired.
the method is only called if it is unwrapped, which means you must declare the method in your main class for it to fire. These methods are only attached if you include the
, if the
method is not declared and you have not conformed to the
protocol by attaching the
this method will never fire.
Get Discovered Devices' Information
Let's go over the info which has been collected on our discovered devices.
This field contains dictionary items for each device discovered. The items are a
instance. Each instance contains most of the info you would like to know about the device. In fact, the following dictionaries are simply this info broken out into separate dictionaries for ease of handling.
As I stated earlier, you cannot access bleSerialManager properties directly. Instead, there is a getter method which will allow you get at the stored list.
let myDiscoveredPeripheralDictioanry = hm10serialManager.getdiscoveredDeviceDictionary()
This will retrieve a dictionary in the form of
. It really isn't my intention for this to be used often. In fact, if you find yourself using it, please email me. It means I didn't do a good job at making this class as versatile and easy as intended. Nevertheless, it's there just in case.
This is one of my favorite attributes of BLE, the radio signal strength indicator. It can be used for all sorts of neat tricks, especially for robots. For example, let's say you put an HM-10 on a quadcopter and another on a controller. You've got a quadcopter controlled through Bluetooth. But you start flying it away from you at high-speeds, yanno, to test it out. Well, all of a sudden your HM-10s lose connection due to distance and your quadcopter flies off to oblivion, right? Nope! You have the quadcopter checking the RSSI as part of its flight procedures and if the RSSI is too great, then it will simply stop its existing flight and lower itself gently to the ground. Cool, right?
Of course, there are two different points which you can access the RSSI, when the device has been discovered but not connected, and then when the device is connected. How current the RSSI for discovered devices is dependent on several factors, but primarily, how often your central device is scanning for advertised packages and how often a peripheral is advertising. It is usually somewhere between 200ms and 1500ms.
This one feature allows you to do neat stuff like this,
This method takes a NSUUID object as a key, looks through the discovered device list, and returns the RSSI indicator as an integer. It should be called something like this,
let myDeviceRSSI = hm10serialManager.getDeviceRSSI(myDeviceNSUUID)
Note, the RSSI value is updated every time the search method is called.
This function takes no variables and returns two objects. One is is an array of discovered NSUUIDs in ascending order of their RSSI (i.e., the closer they are the closer they are to 0-indexed). The other is an array of NSNumbers representing the RSSI values of the corresponding NSUUID in the NSUUID array.
This method is meant for you to do neat things like shown in the image. Here, I used an range mapping function to map the RSSI values onto a simple color scheme (red = -127 and green = -20).
Eventually, I will write a function to take the RSSI and return a UIColor value.
This is a convenience method. It is meant quickly get you a NSUUID as String.
Discovered Peripheral Advertisement Data
I'm still experimenting with this section -- I'll have it up soon.
Get Connected
After a search it's time to connect to a particular device.
is called it takes one argument, the NSUUID of the discovered device you want to connect. It will return
if the method is able to connect to the chosen device. It will return
if you are already connected to that particular device, or if you have reached the maximum number of connected devices, or if the device was not found.
connectToDevice() Example:
print("Was unable to connect")
This should attempt to connect to whatever device myDeviceNSUUID corresponds. Aftere connecting to your device the bleSerialManager takes care of discovering the device's services, characteristics, and characteristics descriptors. This can then be accessed with the following method calls.
Huh, haven't written these methods yet
Optional Call Back Method #2
method is a call-back method which is part of the
protocol. It is called whenever the bleSerialManager has successfully connected to a device.
the method is only called if it is unwrapped, which means you must declare the method in your main class. You must also conform to the
protocol. This method is meant to update an UI with connection status. Or do any house-cleaning after connection has been confirmed.
10-05-16: Ok. Got tired. I'll write some more tomorrow.
A little lab controller PCB I'm working on. It centers around four high-power constant current circuits meant to be driven by an Atmega328's PWM.
working on anything mechanical in dim light; comes from dropping parts down under the engine when working on cars. I'm also pretty particular about my type of light. The "Cool White" or CFLs really bother me. I feel like I'm a bug headed towards a bug-zapper.
I have a few design goals,
Warm white is the way to go. I'm shooting for four 1k lumen warm-white LEDs at 12v at ~1A.
I've a plug for an Arduino Pro Mini (APM). It's hard to fight the APM when it comes to small footprint and versatility, oh, and price. They are super cheap if you buy them on eBay.
I want to make a BLE serial interface using my HM-10. This would allow me to control my LEDs using my iOS devices. A few supporting posts,
Regarding how the circuit it works....black magic. Well, at least, that's how I understand it. I tried reading this excellent article but ended up deciding it was attempting to reason away what was obviously black magic.
I originally designed a minimal PCB to hold the circuit. I was hoping a small little board would allow me to attach it wherever needed,
Here's where it gets fun. See that red alligator clip so neatly gripping the leg of the 5V regulator, well, just keep it in mind when looking at our next exhibit.
Gross and note safe, right?
C'est la vie,
it has been working for a about a year this way.
I wanted to post this simply because it working on it brought my a dry nostalgic joy. When I was young, 8-9, my parents got a old computer. All I remember was its screen was orange and black; having a
Hercules graphics card
. I quickly learned to get around from the command prompt. But I was always thrilled to run into menu driven program. It was like going to a fancy restaurant of abstractness. Anyway, when I wanted my code to slow down a bit and branch directions based upon user input, a command menu was a natural choice.
A Break from the LPC1114 Uploader
I thought I'd take some time away from coding my
LPC1114 Uploader
and verbally process a few things I've learned. As always, feel free to critique any of it; it'll only serve to make my code more robust in the end.
This post will be a series of post leading up to the large post I'll make on writing the uploader. All posts will rely on the GCC compiler.
Setting Up the GCC Compiler
I setup a C environment as basic I could. There may be easier ways to go about this, but I wanted to use GCC to compile.
If you have issues
, make sure directory containing your files is in your PATH environment variable
(I go over how to add the directory to your environment variables in this
How to Write a Command Line Menu
There really isn't much to the code here. Basically, it it prints out the options you want your user to know. Then, it starts a do-while loop until the user selects an appropriate number.
Not really much to it, not sure it deserves its own post. But what the hell.
voidmain_menu(){charchar_choice[3];intint_choice=0;do{system("cls");startScreen();printf("\n");printf("Vorpal Hoff -- Main Menu: \n\n");printf("1. Quick Connect\n");printf("2. FTDI Menu\n");printf("3. Open HM-1X Menu\n");printf("4. Connect LPC\n");printf("5. Program Chip\n");printf("6. Erase LPC\n");printf("7. Decode UUE debug file\n");printf("8. Parse hex-file and write to debug.hex\n");printf("9. Exit\n");scanf("%s",char_choice);int_choice=atoi(char_choice);switch(int_choice){case1:quick_connect();break;case2:ftdi_menu();break;case3:HM_1X_main_menu();break;case4:// Not yet used.break;case5:program_chip(file_name);break;case6:// Not yet used.break;case8:debug_hex_file(file_name);break;case9:shut_down();break;default:printf("Wrong choice. Enter Again");break;}}while(int_choice!=99);}
6 and 54: This is the beginning and the end of the
do-while loop
. Basically, the do-while is a fancy loop which says to do everything in the brackets over and over, until the boolean variable is met (line 54).
The do-while loop if the equivalent in effect to the follow code,
8: Clears the screen. This removes the command prompt; giving a clean slate to paint our menu.
9: I put a function in to paint my menu header. This allows me easily change the header for a menu. It also makes the menu code easier to read.
12-20: We print the menu options for the user.
is a tricky command. It pauses and waits for the user to input followed by 'n'. It takes a variable respective to the data type you want to get from the user. Here, we are hoping the user enters one or two numbers. These are put into the string provided.
23: We use the
function to take a string and turn it into an integer. This value we store in the integer
25: The beginning of the
which does the real work for us. It test the int_choice value you against predefined values (1-9 here). If the one of the values is equal, it executes the code found there before breaking from the switch-statement.
51: If a number besides 1-9 is entered the default will be true. Let's gripe at the user for selecting a bad number.
And that's it. You simply put the functions you want to be called in the appropriate values in the switch-statement. Because of the do-while loop, once a selection has been made and executed, the menu will be displayed again.
You can also make limit a selection to showing by doing something like the following,
boolconnected_flag=false;do{system("cls");printf("FTDI Menu: ");printf("1. Quick Connect\n");printf("2. Device List\n");if(got_list==true)// Only display option if devices list.{printf("3. Connect Device\n");}printf("9. Main Menu\n");// Get user choice.scanf("%s",char_choice);// Convert string to int for switch statement.int_choice=atoi(char_choice);switch(int_choice){case1:quick_connect();baud_rate=115200;connected_flag=true;case2:got_list=get_device_list();break;case3:if(got_list==true)// Only display option if devices listed.{connected_flag=connect_device(&baud_rate);}break;case9:main_menu();break;default:printf("""Bad choice. Hot glue!""");break;}}while(int_choice!=99);}
Here, option "3. Connect Device" doesn't show until option "2. Device List" is run. On line 34 the connect_device() function sets the connected_flag variable to true if the function was successful. Then, after the break is hit and the menu is repainted the option "3. Connect Device" will show. Also, '3' will become a valid user selection.
A Submenu
One last note. If you want to make a sub-menu, you simply use the same code as above, just take the do-while loop out. This states you only want the sub-menu to run once, the return to the main menu.
If you have issues
, make sure directory containing your files is in your PATH environment variable
(I go over how to add the directory to your environment variables in this
D2XX -- FTDI Support
The FTDI chips are highly
chips in the embedded world. I will not begin the debate on their efficacy. I chose this particular serializer since I felt most roboticist would have at least one, making software released using the chips reach a greater range of people on the spectrum of hobbyist to professional.
Also, the supporting tools went well with one of the design goals for this project: Simplicity. I wanted to keep the code as near to machine code as I could easily write. Bdk6 described C to me as, "A high-level assembly language."
There are two basic interfaces for the FTDI chips
Virtual COM port.
I will be using the DLL. This is what the "
-L./ -lftd2xx"
part of our compile command is referring. It is including the ftd2xx library found in working directory.
The D2XX library is pretty nifty. It provides a collections of C++ functions to interact with the FTDI chip, and thereby, anything speaking UART.
A full list of the commands and C code examples may be found in the,
One last caveat regarding the reason I selected using the D2XX libraries instead of using the chip as a virtual COM port. I wanted as much control over the metal of the chip is possible. Originally, I had set out to write a downloader that'd use the
already existing Sparkfun FTDI breakout
, meant to program the Arduino Pro Mini and LilyPad, as no-need-to-modify programmer for my LPC1114 board. To accomplish this, I needed bit level control over all of the pins of the FTDI chip,
which the D2XX has, but the COM port does not.
Therefore, it was the deciding factor for using the D2XX library.
Plus, I didn't know the difference when I started, so that whole explanation was baloney
. But, even if I realized it post-fact, it was the reason I didn't switch to COM port.
Setup Menu
I found the easiest way to work with the D2XX is to setup a menu.
I'm writing this article as if someone were importing my FTDI_HELPER module to use in their code. A few important notes: First, the variables we will use are actually declared in YOUR_CODE.C. They are global variables. We then redeclare them as
variables in the FTDI_HELPER.H. This tells the compiler it's going to be using several global variables, but they were actually declared in the YOUR_CODE.C. This allows the FTDI_HELPER module to setup the FTDI device, but your code will be able to act on all the major variables, such as the RxBuffer, ftHandle, etc.
3: A pointer variable which will store all the connected device information.
4: A flag set whenever we actually connect to an FTDI device. This allows your program to detect the connection.
7: An RX buffer. It will fill automatically when we receive data. You may adjust the size if needed; I think the FTDI chip only sends 20 bytes at time, but I was lazy.
10: Variable to store boolean flag for whether an D2XX command was successful.
12: Used to store bytes to be sent.
13: BytesWritten is used to store how many bytes were actually written by the FT_Write command.
14: RxBytes stores how many bytes are waiting to be read.
15: BytesReceived is used by FT_Read to store how many bytes have been read out of the RX buffer.
Again, the extern variables are to let the compiler know we will be using the variables of the same name found in YOUR_CODE.C.
Main Menu
FTDI_HELPER.Cvoidftdi_menu(){intbaud_rate=0;charchar_choice[3];intint_choice=0;boolgot_list=false;boolconnected_flag=false;boolclose_device_flag=false;boolset_baud_flag=false;// FTDI Menudo{system("cls");printf("FTDI Menu: ");if(connected_flag==true){printf(" Connected: %lu, N, 1 \n\n",baud_rate);}else{printf(" Not Connected: \n\n");}printf("1. Quick Connect\n");printf("2. Device List\n");if(got_list==true)// Only display option if devices list.{printf("3. Connect Device\n");}if(connected_flag==true)// Only give display if connected.{printf("4. Close Device\n");}if(connected_flag==true)// Only give display if connected.{printf("5. Change baud-rate\n");}printf("9. Main Menu\n");// If connected, display the connected device info.if(connected_flag==true){printf("\n");printf("Connected Device: %d:\n",connected_device_num);printf(" Flags: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].Flags);printf(" Type: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].Type);printf(" ID: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].ID);printf(" Local ID: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].LocId);printf(" Serial Number: %s\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].SerialNumber);printf(" Description: %s\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].Description);printf(" ftHandle = 0x%02X\n",devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle);}// Get user choice.scanf("%s",char_choice);// Convert string to int for switch statement.int_choice=atoi(char_choice);switch(int_choice){case1:quick_connect();baud_rate=115200;connected_flag=true;case2:got_list=get_device_list();break;case3:if(got_list==true)// Only display option if devices listed.{connected_flag=connect_device(&baud_rate);}break;case4:if(connected_flag==true)// Only give display if connected.{close_device_flag=close_device();if(close_device_flag==true){connected_flag=false;}close_device_flag=false;}break;case5:if(connected_flag==true)// Only give display if connected.{set_baud_flag=set_baud_rate(&baud_rate);// set_baud_flag is not used, yet.}break;case9:main_menu();break;default:printf("""Bad choice. Hot glue!""");break;}}while(int_choice!=99);}
I found the easiest way to setup a FTDI device in C is using a menu. I've provided five options: (1) Quick Connect, (2) Device List, (3) Connect Device, (4) Close Device, (5) and Set Baud Rate. Several options require running the other options first. For example, before "Connect Device" is displayed you must run "Device List." Let's walk through the code,
5-7: Variables for the scanf and switch-statement deriving the menu.
9-12: Boolean flags for controlling the flow of the menu.
15: We want a menu which is persistent, therefore, we use the do-while loop.
19-22: Let's display the connection information, but only if we have a device connected.
27-42: We print the rest of the menu. Some items only print if boolean flags are set to true.
44-56: Prints out the device details, if connected.
58-64: Gets a users input, converts it to an int, store it, then selects a switch-case based upon input.
67: The quick_connect() function creates an FTDI connection based upon default attributes.
68: Sets the local baud_rate variable to the quick_connect() baud rate.
71: We get run the get_list() function, which lists all FTDI devices currently connected to the USB ports.
74: We check to see if get_list() has already been run, before we allow the user to connect to a device.
76: Connect_device() takes a pointer to the holding the value of the baud-rate the user has selected. It then attempts to connect to the device. If successful, the function returns true.
80: Only allow a device to be closed, if one is connected.
82: Close_device() attempts to shut-down the currently connected FTDI device. If it is successful, it returns true.
83-84: If the close_device() function was a success, the connected_flag is set to false, to show there is no device connected. Then, the close_device flag is reset to false to prepare for the next close_device() call.
90: The set_baud() takes a pointer to a value for the desired baud rate. The function attempts to set the baud rate and returns true if successful.
Quick Connect
This function is meant for the lazy user. He or she does not want to select the device, or the baud rate, they'll simply take whatever your program gives you. In my case, I wrote my quick connect to open device '0' and set the baud rate to 115,200.
FTDI_HELPER.Cvoidquick_connect(){intlocal_baud_rate=115200;// Create the device information listftStatus=FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&numDevs);// get the device information listftStatus=FT_GetDeviceInfoList(devInfo,&numDevs);// Open user's selection.// Allocate storage for list based on numDevs.devInfo=(FT_DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(FT_DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODE)*numDevs);FT_Open(0,&devInfo[0].ftHandle);FT_SetBaudRate(devInfo[0].ftHandle,local_baud_rate);}
5: Place the baud rate into a variable to be set.
7: We create a list of devices, placing them in our global InfoList variable.
9: We get the device info on the created device list.
12-13: We allocate enough space for info on each device enumerated.
14: Opens the device at '0' in the device list.
15: Sets the baud rate to 115,200.
Device List
The get_device_list() function is for the more cautious user. First, a list of FTDI devices is generated. After, enough space is allocated in an array for each device's info. Lastly, the device details gathered are placed in this list. If the process of generating and storing the device details was successful the function returns true.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolget_device_list(){// Create the device information list.ftStatus=FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&numDevs);if(ftStatus==FT_OK){printf("Number of devices is %d\n",numDevs);}else{printf("Failed to get FTDI device list.\n");}if(numDevs>0){// Allocate storage for list based on numDevs.devInfo=(FT_DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(FT_DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODE)*numDevs);// Get the device information list.ftStatus=FT_GetDeviceInfoList(devInfo,&numDevs);if(ftStatus==FT_OK){printf("Got Devices\n");}else{printf("Failed to get device list.\n");Sleep(3000);}// Set flag if we got at least on device.returntrue;}returnfalse;}
6: Creates a device list.
8-13: If the attempt to create a device list fails, we tell the user. Otherwise, we list the number of FTDI devices currently connected.
15: If at least one device was detected, we proceed with listing the devices.
18-19: We allocate enough memory space to store the device info of each connected device.
22: We read each device, get the info, and put the info in the list respectively.
23-30: If we got the device info, we tell the user, "We got devices." Otherwise, we tell the user we failed. Failed, failed, failed!
32: Since we gathered some device info, the function returns true.
34: If no device info was gathered, the function returns false.
Connect Device from List
Once the get_device_list() function is run, then we are free to connect to one of the listed devices. The connect_device() function takes a pointer to the desired baud-rate value for the connection. This function requires the user enter a number 0-8, which is correlated to the devices gathered from the get_device_list() function. The connect_device() function then connects to the respective FTDI device at the baud-rate passed to it.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolconnect_device(int*local_baud_rate){charchar_choice[3];intint_choice=0;boolconnected_flag=false;system("cls");printf("Which device # (0-8)?\n\n");printf("9. Return\n");printf("\n\nConnected FTDI:");for(inti=0;i<numDevs&&i<8;i++){printf("\nDevice: %d:\n",i);printf(" Flags: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[i].Flags);printf(" Type: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[i].Type);printf(" ID: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[i].ID);printf(" Local ID: 0x%02X\n",devInfo[i].LocId);printf(" Serial Number: %s\n",devInfo[i].SerialNumber);printf(" Description: %s\n",devInfo[i].Description);printf(" ftHandle = 0x%02X\n",devInfo[i].ftHandle);}scanf("%s",char_choice);int_choice=atoi(char_choice);// Limit list to 9 devices. Really, who has more connected at once?if(int_choice==9){returnfalse;}elseif(int_choice>-1&&int_choice<9&&int_choice<=numDevs){// Open user's selection.FT_Open(int_choice,&devInfo[int_choice].ftHandle);// Set default baud rate.*local_baud_rate=115200;FT_SetBaudRate(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,*local_baud_rate);if(FT_status!=FT_OK){printf("Could not open FTDI device #%i.\n",int_choice);Sleep(3000);}else{connected_device_num=int_choice;returntrue;}}else{returnfalse;}returnfalse;}
6-28: User and device information displayed. Then, the user input is requested. The user must enter 0-8 for the selection to be valid.
31: If the user selects option '9', we return false, since no device was connected.
35: Else if the user selects a 0-8 then the function will attempt to the respective device in the list we generated in earlier functions.
38: Here we actually open the device corresponding to the user's selection.
41: We load the default baud-rate into the baud-rate variable.
43: We set the baud-rate to 115,200. This is the default speed.
Close Device
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolclose_device(){FT_Close(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle);if(FT_status!=FT_OK){printf("Could not close FTDI device.\n");Sleep(3000);returnfalse;}else{returntrue;}returnfalse;}
Reset Device
The reset function is pretty straightfoward. It simply resets the connected FTDI device. The baud-rate apparently has to be set again after reset.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolreset_device(int*local_baud_rate){FT_ResetPort(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle);Sleep(50);FT_SetBaudRate(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,*local_baud_rate);Sleep(50);if(FT_status!=FT_OK){printf("Could not reset FTDI device.\n");Sleep(3000);returnfalse;}else{// Device reset a success.returntrue;}returnfalse;// Just in case.}
5: Connected FTDI device is reset.
7: The baud-rate is reapplied.
Set Baud
The set_baud() funciton sets the connected device to whatever value the user selects.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolset_baud_rate(int*local_baud_rate){charchar_choice[3];intint_choice=0;system("cls");printf("Set baud: \n");printf("1. 9600\n");printf("2. 19200\n");printf("3. 38400\n");printf("4. 57600\n");printf("5. 115200\n");printf("6. 230400\n");printf("9. Exit\n");scanf("%s",char_choice);int_choice=atoi(char_choice);switch(int_choice){case1:*local_baud_rate=9600;break;case2:*local_baud_rate=19200;break;case3:*local_baud_rate=38400;break;case4:*local_baud_rate=57600;break;case5:*local_baud_rate=115200;break;case6:*local_baud_rate=230400;break;case9:returnfalse;break;default:printf("""Bad choice. Hot glue!""");break;}FT_SetBaudRate(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,*local_baud_rate);if(FT_OK!=FT_OK){printf("Unable to change baud-rate\n");Sleep(3000);returnfalse;}else{returntrue;}returnfalse;}
6-47: The menu. Each selection corresponds a predefined baud-rate value.
49: The connected device's baud-rate is changed to the user's selected value.
58: If the baud-rate was changed successfully, the funciton returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Auto Set Baud Rate
The set_baud_rate_auto() is meant to be used to programmatically change the baud-rate, rather than have the use define the baud-rate. The command call is the same.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolset_baud_rate_auto(int*local_baud_rate){FT_SetBaudRate(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,*local_baud_rate);if(FT_OK!=FT_OK){printf("Unable to change baud-rate\n");Sleep(3000);returnfalse;}else{returntrue;}returnfalse;}
We are finally passed the setup functions, we get to the functions we are really interested. This is the rx(). It is called when you want to get user from the RX buffer. There are two buffers, by the way. There is the buffer on the FTDI, which holds 20 characters (I believe). But then, there is the buffer on your PC, which is largely limited to the amount of memory you computer has.
RX Function
The We are finally passed the setup functions! Now, for the functions we are really interested in. This is the rx(). It is called when you want to user from the RX buffer. There are two RX buffers, by the way. There is the buffer on the FTDI, which holds 20 characters (I believe).
But, then there is the buffer on your PC, which is largely limited to the amount of memory your computer has. And remember, this is C. If you set your PC's RxBuffer to be limited to 256 characters and you get character 257, it's not going to complain. Rather, you will simply have a buffer overrun and hell trying to debug it.
Once the D2XX function FT_Read has been called, the PC buffer is cleared. Therefore, getting the data you want comes down to calling rx() at the appropriate time.
Most of our variables declared to support this module are used in the rx() and tx() functions.
holds how many bytes are waiting to be read.
is the actual computer RX buffer. Again, we set this buffer for 2048 characters, but if you receive character number 2049 it will not complain. You will simply have a buffer overrun. Cue sinister music.
is how many bytes have been received to be read.
FTDI_HELPER.Cboolrx(boolprint_or_not){// We need to get the status to see if we have characters in buffer.FT_GetStatus(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,&RxBytes,&TxBytes,&EventDWord);// We turn the buffer into a string; this is for easy parsing.RawRxBuffer[RxBytes+1]='\0';// We only want to read the FTDI if there are bytes to read.if(RxBytes>0){// Read the bytes. They are stored in the RawRxBuffer, BytesReceived is how many bytes we got// instead of how many bytes we should get.FT_status=FT_Read(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,RawRxBuffer,RxBytes,&BytesReceived);if(FT_status==FT_OK){if(print_or_not){printf("%s\n",RawRxBuffer);}// Put code here to copy string out of function.returntrue;}else{printf("RX FAILED \n");returnfalse;}}returnfalse;}
3: The rx() function has a print to screen option. Meaning, if we get data and call the rx() function by passing it a true, then it will print the data received to the screen.
6: We get the status of the devices. This will tell us how many bytes are waiting to be read (RxBytes).
8: At is a simple way to convert our received data into a string, for easy parsing.
10: If we actually got some bytes, lets do something with them.
13: Actually loads the received data into our
It also gets how many bytes have been read since the last FT_GetStatus call.
15: If we got some bytes and we wanted to print, well, then let's print them.
This is an important spot
. Here is where you want to put code to copy the data from the RawRxBuffer, to a more permanent home.
20: If we got some data, then return true.
27: If we didn't get any data, return false.
You'd call the rx() function like so,
This would print out whatever data is in the rx buffer to the screen.
TX Function
We saved the best function for last: tx().
This function takes two primary variables. A pointer to a character array and an integer indicating how many characters are found in the data array. Also, it wants a boolean value representing whether you want the function to echo the data sent to the screen.
In the heart of a function is a loop, which writes a character at a time to the FTDI device. The loop continues until the count is equal to the integer past to the function indicating how many characters are found in the array. Then, if all characters have been written, then it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
FTDI_HELPER.Cbooltx(chardata[],inttx_data_size,boolprint_or_not){uint8_tFTWrite_Check;intchar_tx_count=0;while(char_tx_count!=tx_data_size){//This should print just data (ie, no Start Code, Byte Count, Address, Record type, or Checksum).FTWrite_Check=FT_Write(devInfo[connected_device_num].ftHandle,&data[char_tx_count],(DWORD)sizeof(data[char_tx_count]),&BytesWritten);if(FTWrite_Check!=FT_OK){printf("Bad write!\n");}if(print_or_not){printf("%C",data[char_tx_count]);}char_tx_count++;}if(char_tx_count==tx_data_size){returntrue;}returnfalse;}
11: Actually writes the data to the FTDI device.
You can call this function from your code like so,
This will cause the FTDI to write "ALABTU!" It will also be displayed on the screen.
I want to take a moment to thank
. The man is a walking Stack Overflow, with more patience for stupid. I doubt I'd understand any of this without his guidance.
I thought I'd take some time away from coding my
LPC1114 Uploader
and verbally process a few things I've learned. As always, feel free to critique any of it; it'll only serve to make my code more robust in the end.
This post will be a series of post leading up to the large post I'll make on writing the uploader. All posts will rely on the GCC compiler.
Setting Up the GCC Compiler
I setup a C environment as basic I could. There may be easier ways to go about this, but I wanted to use GCC to compile.
If you have issues
, make sure directory containing your files is in your PATH environment variable
(I go over how to add the directory to your environment variables in this
How to Convert Hex Data to UUE
"What is 'UUEncoding'?"
Unix-to-Unix encoding (UUE) is the process where
binary data is converted to a form which can be represented using ASCII character values from space (32) to underscore (95)
. These 64 characters allow us to express any binary stream of data.
Have you written a program to look for a particular value? Like this,
inti;chartCollection[32];charc;``if(c=='T'){Serial.print("I found a T!");tCollection[i]=c;elseif(c=='\r'){exit();}
You begin running your program and everything seems fine. It is inspecting data looking for the letter T (0x54), but then, all of a sudden your program exits without reason. You're upset, because the sensor sending you the data didn't send the exit code, which is a carriage return ('\r', or 0x13), but still, your program ended like it did.
Really, we know the reason, your program came across a random 0x13, which it interpreted as an exit command. Maybe a different special character?
But you realize, if you are dealing with a 8-bit data stream any ASCII character
be found in the incoming stream. So, how can the communicating devices know when it is getting data, versus, when it is receiving a command?
This is where UUE comes in. As I stated earlier, UUE is a way to represent the same 8-bit data using only hex values 0x32 through 0x95 (the two middle columns in the ASCII chart above). This means characters 0x00 through 0x1F and 0x60 through 0x7F are free to be used for command functions.
Returning to the above example, this means we could now us the CR value to signal the end-of-transmission, since CR is 0x13.
Ok, I hope I've sold you on UUE's utility, let me attempt to explain the basics of how hexadecimal data is converted into a form which may be represented with only 64 values.
UUE conversion works with three bytes of data at a time and follows this algorithm.
The individual bits of 3 HEX bytes are put into a series.
The 24-bit series is then divided into four bytes of 6-bits.
Then, 32 is added to the decimal value representing each of the 6-bit bytes.
The resulting four values are UUEncoded bytes.
Confused as hell? I was too. Pictures are good. Let's follow the Wiki example and use:
The first step is to take the binary values for each ASCII character.
'C' = 01000011
'a' = 01100001
't' = 01110100
This means the resulting 24-bit binary series is,
24-bit: 010000110110000101110100
This is then divided into four 6-bit bytes,
6-bit Byte: 1 2 3 4
Binary: 010000 110110 000101 110100
The new decimal values are,
6-bit Byte: 1 2 3 4
Decimal: 16 54 5 52
At this point the 6-bit (senary) byte gave me a little trouble. I didn't understand how 6-bits were treated by the 8-bit variable I was putting them in. For example, how could I get an
int variable
to take only 6 bits, not 8? The trick is understanding the 8-bit variable is only the width of the allotted space provided in a register, it has no influence on what you put in it. It finally dawned on me, I didn't need to worry about the empty bits in a register.
Examples are good:
010000 = 16 in Decimal
00010000 = 16 in Decimal
010000 = 00010000
Anyway, this is how I finally made sense of it. As long as when I did my bit manipulations I kept unused bits of the register towards the "left" side, the my 6-bit values could be put into a 8-bit register and there value would remain the same.
Alright, back to our example.
Our next step is to add 32 to each of the decimal value of our new four bytes.
6-bit Byte: 1 2 3 4
Decimal: 16 54 5 52
Add 32 +32 +32 +32 +32
New Dec. 48 86 37 84
UUE char: 0 V % T
And...that's it. Your data is now UUEncoded. When it is sent through whatever transmission medium it wont be bothered with special character protocals. For our Cat, we have transformed it into:
Let's hope for the Cat's sake, there is decoding algorithm.
Those sharper than myself may have already noticed a couple of problems.
For instance, what if our data doesn't come in increments of threes? For example, how do we send
The answer? We make nothing up. In the instance of Cats, we simply pad the end of the character series with two nulls on the end. For example,
We have turned "Cats" into "
" Well, almost, we aren't quite done here.
Uh-oh. Another problem. The whole point of UUE was to stay away from special characters like the space character (0x32). But now we have two of them in our transmission. Well, the UUE protocol addresses this. It states,
If the result of the 6-bit encoding process is the space character, we convert this to the
grave characte
' ` '.
(The grave accent character is 0x60 in hexadecimal, by the way).
Therefore, our "Cats" actually becomes.
Almost UUE char: 0 V % T < P SPC SPC
UUE char: 0 V % T < P
Finally! We have encoded "Cats"
We've turned:
into -------------> ** 0V%T<P `` Now,
science folks!**
Hmm, what else are you going to need to know?
Oh, right, how the UUE data is stored.****
UUE stores and sends data in lines. A line of UUE data consist of a start character, which represents how many bytes have been encoded in the line (
how many UUE characters are in the line) by using a 6-bit number stored as an ASCII char. The line of UUE data ends with a new line character (i.e., '\n'). Lastly, a UUE line is limited to 45 bytes of data. This means, the maximum amount of data characters in on line of UUE should be no more than 60. Or, 62, if you count the start character and the end character.
Again, examples are good. For our Cats, the line would look something like this,
0V%T<P `` \n
Let me take a moment to describe how we get the start character. Basically, we count how many bytes we are sending, in our case 4, and we add 32. This gives us the decimal representation of the ASCII character we will use as our start character. Therefore,
4 + 32 = 36 as ASCII = $
Confusing? It'll probably make more sense when we look at the code.
Speaking of which, I think I've covered the basics, time to jump into implementation.
Implementing UUEncoding in C
Well, here it is. My shoddy implementation of a UUEncoder in C.
The function takes several variables.
is a pointer to an uint8_t array where the encoded characters will be stored.
is a pointer to an uint8_t array containing the hexadecimal values to be encoded (to learn where I get my hexadecimal data, checkout another one of this inglorious post:
Intel HEX File to Array
size is an integer representing how many bytes of data might be found in the
After the function is complete, it returns how many ASCII UUE characters were created. This is meant for parsing the UUE array at a later time.
intUUEncode(uint8_t*UUE_data_array,uint8_t*hex_data_array,inthex_data_array_size){// 1. Add char for characters per line.// 2. Load 3 bytes into an array.// 3. Encode array.// 4. Add padding.// 5. Replace ' ' with '''// 6. Return UUE data array (implicit) and size.uint8_tbyte_to_encode[3];uint8_tuue_char[4];intUUEncoded_array_index=0;intuue_length_char_index=45;intpadded_index=0;intbytes_left=0;// 1. Add char for characters per line.if(hex_data_array_size<45){UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]=((hex_data_array_size&0x3f)+' ');}else{UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]='M';}UUEncoded_array_index++;// Encode loop.for(inthex_data_array_index=0;hex_data_array_index<hex_data_array_size;hex_data_array_index){// 2. Load 3 bytes into an array.for(inti=0;i<3;++i){// Load bytes into arrayif(hex_data_array_index<hex_data_array_size){byte_to_encode[i]=hex_data_array[hex_data_array_index];hex_data_array_index++;}else{// 4. Add padding.byte_to_encode[i]=0;padded_index++;}uue_length_char_index--;}// 3. Encode array.uue_char[0]=((byte_to_encode[0]>>2)&0x3f);uue_char[1]=(((byte_to_encode[0]<<4)|((byte_to_encode[1]>>4)&0x0f))&0x3f);uue_char[2]=(((byte_to_encode[1]<<2)|((byte_to_encode[2]>>6)&0x03))&0x3f);uue_char[3]=(byte_to_encode[2]&0x3f);for(inti=0;i<4;i++){// 5. Replace ' ' with '''if(uue_char[i]==0x00){UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]=0x60;}else{UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]=(uue_char[i]+' ');}UUEncoded_array_index++;}// Data bytes left.bytes_left=(hex_data_array_size-hex_data_array_index);if(uue_length_char_index==0&&bytes_left>0){// NOTE: Could be simplified to include first char// and additional characters, using a positive index.// 1. Add char for characters per line.UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]='\n';UUEncoded_array_index++;if(bytes_left<45){// Find how many characters are left.UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]=((bytes_left&0x3f)+' ');}else{UUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]='M';}UUEncoded_array_index++;uue_length_char_index=45;}}// End UUE loopUUE_data_array[UUEncoded_array_index]='\n';// 6. Return UUE data array (implicit) and size.returnUUEncoded_array_index;}intcheck_sum(uint8_t*hex_data_array,inthex_data_array_size){intcheck_sum=0;intchar_index=0;while(char_index<hex_data_array_size){check_sum+=hex_data_array[char_index];char_index++;}returncheck_sum;}
3-8: Here, I outline in pseudo-code what I wanted to get done in this function.
17-25: I deal with the start character of the first line. I do this by checking if hex data we were handed is more than the UUE line limit, 45 bytes. If it is, I place an M as the start character (45 + 32 = 77 = ASCII
). If the data we've been handed is less than 45 bytes, let's calculate the start character. We take 65 bits of the 8-bit number representing how many bytes are here, then add 32, this will give us our start character.
30-96: This is the main loop where the work is done. We loop through all the hexadecimal data provided us, encoding as we go.
33-48: The loop here deals with 3 bytes of data at a time. It also checks to see if we have less than 3 bytes left, if so, it pads the remaining space with 0 (null).
47: This index is used in combination with the if statement found one lines 82-90. It is in essence repeating the beginning if statement where we determined what the start character for this line will be.
51-54: This is where the magic happens. Here, we are turning the 3 bytes of 8 bits, into 4 bytes of 6 bits. We store the resulting bits in an 8-bit variable. But remember, we can put 6 bit data in a 8 bit jar, as long as we remember to be careful how we place the bits.
56-69: The resulting 6-bit characters are checked to see if they are a space character (0x20), if they are, we turn them into a grave ' ' ' character (0x60). If they are not a space, we add 32 to the decimal value (' ' = 32 in decimal), this completes the encoding process.
72: We calculate how many data bytes are left, in preparation for calculating the next line's start character.
74-96: This loop serves two purposes. One, to place a new-line character ('\n') at the end of our last encoded line. Two, to calculate and load the next line's start character.
96: When we've reached the end of our data, we place a new-line character to mark the end.
112: We return the number of ASCII characters used to represent our encoded data.
And there you go.
Here are some additional resources I found helpful,
I thought I'd take some time away from coding my
LPC1114 Uploader
and verbally process a few things I've learned. As always, feel free to critique any of it; it'll only serve to make my code more robust in the end.
This post will be a series of post leading up to the large post I'll make on writing the uploader. All posts will rely on the GCC compiler.
Setting Up the GCC Compiler
I setup a C environment as basic I could. There may be easier ways to go about this, but I wanted to use GCC to compile.
If you have issues
, make sure directory containing your files is in your PATH environment variable
(I go over how to add the directory to your environment variables in this
Intel Hexfile to An Array Based on Data Address
To load data from an
Intel HEX format file
I used several functions, open_file() to create a data stream, more commonly know as a
file pointer
, from the file I wanted to read. And hex_file_to_array(), to parse the hex file and extract the data.
MAIN.Cintmain(intargc,char*argv[]){//If the user fails to give us two arguments yell at him.if(argc!=2){fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <readfile1>\n",argv[0]);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}// Data arrayuint8_tHEX_array[32768];// Bytes read into array.intHEX_array_size;//File to be loaded.FILE*hex_file;//Open file using command-line info; for reading.hex_file=open_file(argv[0],"rb");// Load the data from fileHEX_array_size=hex_file_to_array(hex_file,HEX_array);}// END PROGRAM
6: Let's check the number of arguments passed in by the user. If there is no file name, then we exit.
11: Declare a unsigned array for the data. I've set it arbitrarily, but it will need to be large enough for the amount of data to be extracted from the hexfile.
17: Here we create a pointer to a file data stream.
20: We pass the pointer to the data stream to the
function. We are setting up to only read the file in binary. We pass it the file we wish to open and it returns the opened file.
23: We pass
a file pointer and pointer to an an array. This function reads the hex file, parses it, extracting the data and placing them into the the uint8_t array based on the data's address found in the hexfile. The function then returns the number of data bytes found in the hex file.
This function takes the name of a file and the
under which to open it, then attempts to open a file pointer to this file. If it is is successful, it returns the pointer to the now open file. If it it fails, the program exits with an error code.
MAIN.C//Open file for reading, function.FILE*open_file(uint8_t*file,uint8_t*mode){FILE*fileOpen=fopen(file,mode);if(fileOpen==NULL){perror("Unable to open file");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}returnfileOpen;}
To understand this function it pays to understand well the Intel HEX file format.
All of the information in the file is important, but we are only looking to put the
into the array. To extract this data we are going to use three sub-routines:
One bit to understand about hex files is the data is actually stored as ASCII characters. When we open a file pointer to these ASCII characters, we can't just read the bytes, since they'd simply be an ASCII character representing the
read. To make the conversion we get a character, store it as a binary nibble A, get another character and store it as binary nibble B. We then combine nibble A and B into a single byte.
The function takes three parameters: the file pointer, a uint8_t pointer for storing the complete byte, and the total_chars_read, which allows us to track how far we are into the file.
DATA.Cuint8_tread_byte_from_file(FILE*file,uint8_t*char_to_put,int*total_chars_read){//Holds combined nibbles.uint8_thexValue;//Get first nibble.*char_to_put=fgetc(file);clear_special_char(file,char_to_put,total_chars_read);//Put first nibble in.hexValue=(Ascii2Hex(*char_to_put));//Slide the nibble.hexValue=((hexValue<<4)&0xF0);//Put second nibble in.*char_to_put=fgetc(file);clear_special_char(file,char_to_put,total_chars_read);//Put the nibbles together.hexValue|=(Ascii2Hex(*char_to_put));//Return the byte.*total_chars_read+=2;returnhexValue;}
6: Declaring a 8-bit unsinged integer to hold the finished byte.
8: Get an ASCII character from the file pointer.
9: Here we call the cleaer_special_char function to remove '\n' and '\r' found in the hex file.
11: We then convert the ASCII character into a true binary nibble. The result is stored in the string. (I will cover the Ascii2Hex function below.)
The above steps are repeated for nibble B.
18: We combine the string of nibbles into a byte.
26: We increment two ASCII characters read from the file pointer.
The clear special character function is simply meant to remove the ':', '\n', and '\r' characters from the data stream. It simply looks through the character pulled from the data stream. If it is not a special character, it does nothing. If it is, it increments the character counter and discards the character.
Another fairly simple function. Here, we simply find the numeric value of the ASCII character and convert it to its binary equivalent.
DATA.C//Copied in from lpc21isp.cuint8_tAscii2Hex(uint8_tc){if(c>='0'&&c<='9'){return(uint8_t)(c-'0');}if(c>='A'&&c<='F'){return(uint8_t)(c-'A'+10);}if(c>='a'&&c<='f'){return(uint8_t)(c-'a'+10);}return0;// this "return" will never be reached, but some compilers give a warning if it is not present}
This function is pretty simple, if you keep in mind each character is actually an integer. For example, the if-statements could be re-written as follows,
You can use an
ASCII reference table
to determine how a character read will be interpreted. For instance, 'D' or 'd' would be 68 or 100. 68 - 65 + 10 = 13. We know D is hexadecimal for 13 (0 = 0, 1 = 1, 1 = 2, etc... A = 10, B, = 11, C = 12,
D = 13
, E = 14, F = 15).
This brings us to the main function,
DATA.Cboolread_line_from_hex_file(FILE*file,uint8_tline_of_data[],longint*combined_address,int*bytes_this_line){intdata_index=0;uint8_tchar_to_put;inttotal_chars_read=0;//To hold file hex values.uint8_tbyte_count;uint8_tdatum_address1;uint8_tdatum_address2;uint8_tdatum_record_type;uint8_tdatum_check_sum;//BYTE COUNTbyte_count=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);// No need to read, if no data.if(byte_count==0){returnfalse;}//ADDRESS1 //Will create an 8 bit shift. --Bdk6'sdatum_address1=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);//ADDRESS2datum_address2=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);//RECORD TYPEdatum_record_type=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);// No need to read, if not data.if(datum_record_type!=0){returnfalse;}*combined_address=((uint16_t)datum_address1<<8)|datum_address2;// DATAwhile(data_index<byte_count){line_of_data[data_index]=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);data_index++;}*bytes_this_line=data_index;// CHECKSUMdatum_check_sum=read_byte_from_file(file,&char_to_put,&total_chars_read);returntrue;}
The above code parses exactly one line of hex data from the file pointer.
17: We read the first byte of a line. This should be the ':' character, but remember our clear_special_char() should skip this and read the next two bytes '1' and '0' (green). The "10" is how many bytes of data (blue) found on this line. Note, 10 is not a decimal number, it's hexadecimal. Meaning, there should be 16 bytes of data found on this line.
20: We check if there was any data on this line. If there are zero data, we return false.
23: Take the first byte of the data address (purple).
26: Take the second byte of the data address (purple).
29: Get the byte (red) identifying the type of information found on this line. We are only looking for data ('00'). The other types are explained well at the ole' Wiki article:
Intel HEX record types
32: If the record type is not data, we don't want it. We return false.
34: Combine the two 8-bit address bytes into one 16-bit address.
37: Let's get all the data found on this line and put it into the array we provided the function.
42: We have to keep track of how many bytes are on each line, to complete our address of the data. Therefore, we pass it back to hex_file_to_array().
45: I read the checksum, but I don't do anything with it. I probably should.
To properly parse the hexfile we need to know how many lines are found in the the file. We can find this information several ways, but I counted the number of line start characters ':'.
8: Loops until the end-of-file character is reached.
10: Gets a ASCII character from the file pointer.
11: We check to see if the character we go was line start character ':'.
13: This function iterates through the entire file, but we want to start pulling data from the beginning of the file, so we
the file to the first character.
14: We return the number of lines.
DATA.Cinthex_file_to_array(FILE*file,uint8_thex_data[]){// 1. Get line count.// 2. Read a line. From ':' to '\n'// 3. Parse a line.// Repeat for all lines.// Data per line.uint8_tline_of_data[32];longintcombined_address[4096];// Indices and countersinthex_line_index=0;intchars_this_line=0;inttotal_chars_read=0;// How many lines in the hexfile?inthex_lines_in_file=0;intbytes_this_line[4096];// Let's count how many lines are in this file.hex_lines_in_file=hex_file_line_count(file);// Indices for parsing.intline_index=0;intbyte_index=0;boolread_line_ok=false;// Parse all lines in file.while(line_index<hex_lines_in_file){read_line_ok=read_line_from_hex_file(file,line_of_data,&combined_address[line_index],&bytes_this_line[line_index]);if(!read_line_ok){printf("Line#: %i. Dude, that's not data!\n",line_index);read_line_ok=true;}while(byte_index<bytes_this_line[line_index]){hex_data[combined_address[line_index]+byte_index]=line_of_data[byte_index];line_of_data[byte_index]='\0';byte_index++;}byte_index=0;line_index++;}// Print out parsed data.intk=0;intj=0;intprinted_bytes=0;while(k<hex_lines_in_file){while(j<bytes_this_line[k]){printf("%02X ",hex_data[j+(printed_bytes)]);j++;}printed_bytes+=bytes_this_line[k];j=0;printf("\n");k++;}returntotal_chars_read;}// End hex_file_to_array
23: We count the number of lines in the file we wish to extract data.
31: This is the work-horse loop. We loop until the we have read through all the lines we counted.
33: We pass read_line_from_hex() our variables we wish to fill. The hex file we want to parse (file), the buffer we hold the line data in, the int array which will serve to hold the address of this line of data, a variable to hold the number of bytes in this line. If the function was got data, it will return true. Otherwise, it will return false. We store this flag to make sure we got something.
34: We check to see if we actually got data from our attempt.
39: Here, we move the line of data from the buffer into the final array.
41: We place the data into the array based upon the address we pulled from the line (address1 + address2) and the byte number.
42: Reset the buffer to nil.
49-64: Finally, we print out the data. The k-loop goes through each line we extracted; the j-loop goes through each byte found on the respective line.
And that's it.
Note, 49-64 is meant to demonstrate the data is properly extracted. These lines could be moved to another function where the data may be used as needed.
This toolchain is amazing. Really, if you are wanting to break away from Arduino / AVR, into the ARM chips, Bdk6's toolchain for the LPC1114 is the way to go.
The Valdez Mutant v04
The chip has ROM boot loader. This allows you to program the chip right out of the box. The programming is done over the traditional serial line. Most ARM chips require a JTAG programmer, which are usually a $50 investment. This leads into a few of my design goals.
2. Arduino Pro Mini (APM) FTDI programmer to program the LPC1114
After doing a bit of
AVR programming
I toyed with the idea of getting into the Atmel ARM chips. One barrier to entry is cost, and now that we are down to one income this is a Hannibal to Rome grade barrier. Not only were most of the chips in the $6-20 range, they required a JTAG connector to program. Ultimately, price kept me from building a board around an Atmel ARM chip.
But then
Mr. Bdk6 introduced me to the LPC1114.
Not only was the chip
sub $3 in single quantities
(cheaper than the Atmega328P), but it was also programmable with a typical serial-USB interface. I figured, if it was programmable by serial then I could program it with my Arduino Pro Mini FTDI Breakout, which I bought from SparkFun long ago. I did this selfishly, but I assumed a lot of Arduino roboticists here have also switched to the APM as their go to board. I further assumed most would probably have a APM FTDI connector. I took this into account because my goal was to reduce as many barriers in switching from Arduino to the LPC1114, short of writing simple and opaque support libraries.
I'm going to take a brief moment and explain the LPC1114's ISP ROM. The LPC1114 has a built in bootloader, which resides in a ROM block on the chip. When the chip is provided power, either on initial or reset, it runs this bootloader. The bootloader polls PIN 1 on PORT 0 (PIO0_1), if this pin is high or floating, then the bootloader executes whatever is in the program memory blocks. If PIO0_1 is low, then the LPC1114 enters
in-system programming mode
When I discovered this, I got excited. Why not use the DTR/CTS pins to control the ISP? I added it to my design goals.
A few problems:
1. The LPC1114 operates on 3.3v
. And don't let your "3.3V" FTDI breakout fool you. They still spit out 5V on for VCC, RX, and TX, at least until you jumper the solder-jumper on the underside. No sweat, I'll add a
logic-level translator
2. There is no existing LPC1114 programming software that controls DTR/CTS.
both use
while the APM FTDI breakout I have uses DTR/CTS. Stupid dung-beetles in the ointment. I was committed to the idea of using the APM FTDI connector as a "no-modification" way to program the LPC. Thus my toils began.
I started by trying to change the source of the lpc21isp. I was successful in manipulating the source, but the lpc21isp relies on Windows communication protocol drivers, which
allow for the bit level control of the CTS pin. Damnit.
Still committed.
I started
re-rolling my own bootloader
using FTDI drivers, which
allow for bit level control of all pins (
FTDI Bitbanging
). Sadly, I got distracted by
writing a iPhone app
for the
. By the time I finished the app, Bdk6, who heavily guided me on how to re-roll the programmer, stated he was writing one and would attempt including the features I requested. I figure, "I think this is one time being lazy is in the best interest of everyone." I let Bdk6 write the programmer. :)
A-3. _Almost _the same size as the Arduino Pro Mini, but with Mounting holes.
I love the Arduino Pro Mini (APM) for robot building. It is small, powerful, robust, it's just good stuff all around. When I decided to build an LPC board I wanted it to copy it in design.
Here are the features I pulled:
1. All components are on one side (except for the HM-11). This allows for easy reflow.
2. Small. The Valdez Mutant is the same dimensions as the Arduino Pro Mini, except for the "diving board" area where the HM-11 sits. APM is 18x33mm and the Valdez Mutant is 18x46.97mm
Features lost:
1. I didn't put a reset switch. I was banking on the BLE being able to reset the HM-11 serially (I'll get to that in a bit).
2. A power LED. I decided the RGB LED blinking for the HM-11 could double as a power-led, since the power-rail is the same for the HM-11 and the LPC1114
I added one feature that I've always felt the APM was lacking:
Mounting Holes.
Some time ago I realized as I continued challenging myself to make smaller and smaller PCB solutions, there gets a point where the board is too small to easily work with. The connecting wires hold it in the air, or pull it off where you set it.
I decided I'd add 3mm mounting holes to hold my board in place.
A-4. Wireless Programming Over BLE.
I've always dreamed of hooking up a Bluetooth module to an Arduino and uploading sketches wirelessly. When I discovered the HM-10 I thought I had a real chance (I've not completely given up on the idea), but it took editing the Arduino IDE source. I was able to tweak and compile it, but if anyone who has been through the Arduino IDE source will tell you, it's a friggin mess. But when I went over the design of the LPC programmer interface, I realized the process of flipping bits on the ISP SELECT and RESET lines with the FTDI could be done remotely by the HM-10, using the PIO pins. Hmm. Light bulb.
I therefore set out to design a board that would allow for wireless uploading of programs.
Instead of using my traditional go-to
, I decided to switch it up and attempt using the
The HM-11 is pretty much the same board as the HM-11, but instead having the 8 or so IO pins, it only has 2. Perfect. One for RESET and one for SELECT.
I thought the HM-11 would allow me to stay consistent with design goal #3: Itty-Bitty.
In theory, this is how the wireless uploading would work.
sends "AT+PIO30"
The HM-11-
PIO3 will go low, which sets the LPC1114 ISP MODE to LOW.
sends "AT+PIO20"
Then, the HM-11-
PIO2 goes LOW for ~5uS. This will reset the LPC.
As the LPC comes back up it checks the ISP MODE pin and sees it LOW.
sends "AT+PIO31" waits ~100mS then sends "AT+PIO21"
The HM-11-
PIO3 and PIO2 will go HIGH.
The LPC enters ISP mode.
The HM-11 PIO2 & PIO3 go HIGH.
The program is uploaded to the LPC.
sends "AT+PIO20"
PIO2 goes LOW, resetting the LPC.
sends "AT+PIO21"
PIO2 goes HIGH and the LPC runs the uploaded program.
B-1. Testing
Testing this board was a bit of a bitch. The first version (v02) I printed had several major flaws:
Mistakes on
1st iteration
The RX/TX lines were flipped (I swear, I never get that right).
The CONN pin on the HM-11 was wrong.
I routed the CTS pin to pin PIO0_2, which is
the reset pin.
There was a N-Chan flipping for the HM-11 to flip the LPC power. I got rid of that and simply ran a line to the reset (duh).
I quickly corrected these problems and sent the board off again. When the
2nd Iteration
came in I wasn't able to test it. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to go into ISP mode. I got pretty harsh on myself, blaming my "crappy soldering skills and dellusions of ability." Then it hit me, I had added 10uF and those take a bit to discharge. I threw the multi-meter on it and sure enough, when I pulled the power from the LPC, then reapplied it (I was using this method instead of the reset line) it took a good 30 seconds for the voltage to drop near nominal. I quickly strung up a momentary switch on the reset line, first time I hit the button it went right into ISP mode.
Therefore, I consider the 2nd iteration a hardware success.
But there was a big let down. I
tried both FlashMagic and lpc21isp to get them to upload across the BLE connection, but they both timed out.
Ugh. I guess no wireless download?
Features tested:
FTDI pinout --
Working -- 50% tested
-- (works to provide power and RX/TX work, ability to reset and select mode not yet tested. This will require customer software).
5v/3.3v RX/TX converter --
100% tested -- Working
DPDT Switch to select HM-11 or USB --
100% tested -- Working
Crystal --
not yet tested 0%
HM-11 -- RX/TX --
100% tested -- Working
33% tested -- CONN Working
LPC reseting HM-11 --
not yet tested 0%
HM-11 controlling RESET and ISP MODE --
not yet tested 0%
Board Tested and Working: 48%
B-2. Support and Design Files
I'm a hack. I wouldn't even be hacking with LPC1114 if it weren't for the support tools put together by Mr. Bdk6.
Alright, so now what? Um, let's build a robot with it. To do this, I'm going to design a motor PCB with the DRV8837. And I'm hoping that Mr. Bdk6 doesn't mind adding the FTDI reset features and the HM-11 upload features. If he doesn't have time, then I'll probably pick back up my attempt to write my own bootloader.
I did notice a few problems. First, I didn't allow for a VIN pin. This means I'm going to have jumper between a "shield" board and the Mutant. Also, I'm worried about fitting two H-bridges on a PCB as small as the Mutant, the DRV8837 is very small, but the traces to it take a lot of real-estate.
Well, that's it.
A huge thanks to Mr. Bdk6. These tools are amazing; finally escaping Arduino!