Attachment III, aka, The Zombie

Continuing to explore R and SQL’s usefulness when it comes to HMIS data I decided to start posting HMIS problems and R and SQL solutions.

Problem: One of our Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funders requires the subrecipients to produce a report of all the participants which receive services from the shelter.  This requirement was written into the contract the ESG funders have with the subrecipient.  This worked somewhat in 2011 when it was implemented, however, it is 2016 and the data which is queried against to produce the report is well over 1.3 million entries.  These data are generated every time a participant checki in a shelter for meal, bed, or to sit.  It is unlikely this data set will ever get smaller.  In short, the data have grown beyond the report server currently provided by our software vendor.  Since the query is handled server-side it has resulted in the subrecipients being unable to reliably meet the requirement.

In attempt to circumvent the server-side query, I’ve written a R and SQL script which takes two data files:

  1. Point of Service (PoS)
  2. Demographic and HUD Assessment data (enrolledInTCES)

These data were pulled using the software report services, but without any query.  This seems to allow bypassing the server-side bottle-neck.  The script then merges the data, formats it, and aggregates it for the final report.

The report should be something which could be run using a batch file, so I hope to deploy it to the subrecipients.  Then, with a little training, it should allow them to continue to produce the report for the funders.

nameOfMonth <- readline("Provide the month for which the data was pulled: \n")
nameOfAgency <- readline("Provide the name of your agency: \n")


# Load data
enrolledInTCES <- read_excel("Attachment III Date for Oct and Dec 2016 -- DRC Program.xlsx")
PoS <- read_excel("DRC PoS Check In for November 2016.xlsx")
colnames(enrolledInTCES)[1] <- "peid"
colnames(PoS)[1] <- "peid"

# Check for duplicates
PoS <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT peid FROM PoS")

# Join allPos and enrolledInTCES
attachmentIIIClientData <- merge(PoS, enrolledInTCES, by="peid")

# Make the disability column easier to work with.
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[8] <- "ethnicity"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[9] <- "tmi"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[10] <- "race"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[11] <- "disability"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[12] <- "FSI"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[13] <- "gender"
colnames(attachmentIIIClientData)[14] <- "HHSize"

# Replaces all NAs with 0
attachmentIIIClientData[] <- 0
# Create annual income column
attachmentIIIClientData$annualIncome <- attachmentIIIClientData$tmi * 12
# Remove decimals.
attachmentIIIClientData$annualIncome <- as.integer(attachmentIIIClientData$annualIncome)

# AMI Matrix
# N = Number of People in a Household
#  <30%AMI	  30%-50% AMI	 51-80% AMI	 >80% AMI
# 1<$14600	  1<$24300	   1<$38850	  1>$38850
# 2<$16650	  2<$27800	   2<$44400	  2>$44400
# 3<$18750	  3<$31250	   3<$49950	  3>$49950
# 4<$20800	  4<$34700	   4<$55500	  4>$55500
# 5<$22500	  5<$37500	   5<$59950	  5>$59950
# 6<$24150	  6<$40300	   6<$64400	  6>$64400
# 7<$25800	  7<$43050	   7<$68850	  7>$68850
# 8<$27500	  8<$45850     8<$73300 	8>$73300

ami <- sqldf("SELECT 

              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 14600 AND HHSize == 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 16650 AND HHSize == 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 18750 AND HHSize == 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 20800 AND HHSize == 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 22500 AND HHSize == 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 24150 AND HHSize == 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 25800 AND HHSize == 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM (CASE WHEN annualIncome < 27500 AND HHSize > 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as '<30% AMI',

              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 24300 AND HHSize == 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 27800 AND HHSize == 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 31250 AND HHSize == 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 34700 AND HHSize == 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 37500 AND HHSize == 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 40300 AND HHSize == 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 43050 AND HHSize == 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 45850 AND HHSize > 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as '30-50% AMI',

              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 38850 AND HHSize == 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 44400 AND HHSize == 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 49950 AND HHSize == 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 55500 AND HHSize == 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 59950 AND HHSize == 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 64400 AND HHSize == 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 68850 AND HHSize == 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome < 73300 AND HHSize > 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as '51-80% AMI',

              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 38850 AND HHSize == 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 44400 AND HHSize == 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 49950 AND HHSize == 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 55500 AND HHSize == 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 59950 AND HHSize == 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 64400 AND HHSize == 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 68850 AND HHSize == 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) +
              SUM(CASE WHEN annualIncome > 73300 AND HHSize > 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as '>80% AMI'

              FROM attachmentIIIClientData")

# Remove duplicate counts.
ami$'30-50% AMI' <- (ami$'30-50% AMI' - ami$'<30% AMI')
ami$'51-80% AMI' <- (ami$'51-80% AMI' - ami$'<30% AMI' - ami$'30-50% AMI')

# Aggregates data for Attachment III.
attachmentIIIAggregate <- sqldf("SELECT 

                 COUNT(peid) as 'Total Participants',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN disability = 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as DisabledCount,

                 SUM(CASE WHEN age < 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Under 5',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 4 AND age < 13 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '5 to 12',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 12 AND age < 18 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '13 to 17',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 17 AND age < 25 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '18 to 24',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 24 AND age < 35 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '25 to 34',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 34 AND age < 45 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '35 to 44',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 44 AND age < 55 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '45 to 54',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 54 AND age < 62 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '55 to 61',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN age > 61 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '60+',

                 SUM(CASE WHEN race  = 'Black or African American' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Black or African American',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN race  = 'White' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'White',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN race  = 'American Indian or Alaska Native' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'American Indian or Alaska Native',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN race  = 'Asian' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Asian',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN race  = 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN race = 'Black or African American' OR
                 race = 'White' OR
                 race = 'American Indian or Alaska Native' OR
                 race = 'Asian' OR
                 race = 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander'
                 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as 'Other',

                 SUM(CASE WHEN ethnicity  = 'Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN ethnicity  = 'Hispanic/Latino' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Hispanic/Latino',

                 SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Male',
                 SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'Female'
                 FROM attachmentIIIClientData")

attachmentIIIAggregate <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM attachmentIIIAggregate LEFT JOIN ami ")

aggregateFileNameString <- paste(nameOfMonth, "_", nameOfAgency, "_attachment_III_aggregate.csv")
write.csv(attachmentIIIAggregate, file = aggregateFileNameString)

clientDataFileNameString <- paste(nameOfMonth,"_", nameOfAgency, "_attachment_III_client_data.csv")
write.csv(attachmentIIIClientData, file = clientDataFileNameString)
HMIS, R, and SQL -- Basics

Hacker Introduction

I’m a hacker.  If you find errors, please leave comments below.  If you have an opinion I’ll hear it, but I’m often not likely to agree without some argument.

Joins (Merging Data)

Probably the best part of R and SQL is their ability to quickly combine data around a key.  For example, in HMIS CSVs the Client.csv contains a lot of demographic information and the Enrollment.csv contains a lot of assessment information.  This makes it difficult when needing a count of the total participants who are veterans and disabled, since the veteran information is in Client.csv and disability information is in the Enrollment.csv.  However, both R and SQL contain the join functions.  

Joins are a hughely expansive topic; I’m not going to try to cover all their quirks, but here’s some videos I found helpful:

The two useful joins for HMIS data are LEFT JOIN and INNER JOIN.  The left join keeps all the data in the left table and data matching from the right table and the inner join keeps only data which matches.

Here’s an example in the context of the Client.csv and Enrollment.csv:


PersonalID FirstName VeteranStatus
12345 Jane Yes
54321 Joe No


PersonalID FirstName DisablingCondition
12345 Jane Yes
54321 Joe No
45321 Sven Yes

Here are the two join statements and their results for the data above

   FROM client a 
   LEFT JOIN enrollment b ON a.Personal=b.PersonalID

This join should result in the following:

PersonalID FirstName VeteranStatus DisablingCondition
12345 Jane Yes Yes
54321 Joe No No
45321 Sven NULL Yes

Notice Sven was kept, even though he had no entry the Client.csv.  After the join, since he had no 
And the inner join would look like this:

       FROM client a 
       INNER JOIN enrollment b ON a.Personal=b.PersonalID

This join should result in the following:

PersonalID FirstName VeteranStatus DisablingCondition
12345 Jane Yes Yes
54321 Joe No No


PersonalID <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT PersonalID FROM client")

Method above creates a vector of all the PersonalIDs in the client data-frame, which came from the Client.csv.  The DISTINCT command takes only one ID if there are more than two which are identical.  In short, it create a de-duplicaed list of participants.

For example,

PersonalID  OtherData
12345 xxxxxxxxx
56839 xxxxxxxxx
12345 xxxxxxxxx
32453 xxxxxxxxx

Should result in the following,


This is useful in creating a key vector, given other CSVs have a one-to-many relationship for the PersonalID.  For example,

The Enrollment.csv looks something like this

PersonalID ProjectEntryID  EntryDate
12345 34523 2016-12-01
56839 24523 2015-09-23
12345 23443 2014-01-10
32453 32454 2015-12-30

This reflects a client (i.e., 12345) entering a project twice, once on 2014-01-10 and the other 2016-12-01.

Count of Total Participants:

SELECT COUNT(PersonalID) as 'Total Participants' FROM client

This query should give a on row output, counting the number of clients in the data-frame.

Total Participants
1 1609

However, if there are duplicate PersonalIDs it’ll count each entry as an ID.  To get a count of unique clients in a data-frame add the DISTINCT command.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(PersonalID)) as 'Unique Total Participants' FROM client

Conditional Data

Often in HMIS data it is necessary to find a collection of participants which meet a specific requirement.  For example, “How many people in this data-set are disabled?”  This is where the WHERE statement helps a lot.

SELECT PersonlID FROM clientAndEnrollment WHERE disability = 'Yes'

This statement will return a vector of all the PersonalID’s of participants who stated they were disabled.  The total participant query could be used, but there is an alternative method.

               disability = 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 
           END) as DisabledCount

The above statement uses the CASE WHEN END statement, which I understand as SQL’s version of the IF statement.  Here’s C equivalent:

for(int i = 0; i < total_participants; i++)
    if(disability == true){


Boolean operaters can be used to get more complex conditional data:

SELECT PersonalID FROM clientAndEnrollment 
       WHERE disability = 'Yes' 
       AND gender = 'Female'

This statement will provide a vector of all the PersonalID’s for clients who are disabled and female.

Ok, good stopping point for now.

HMIS, R, and SQL -- Introduction

“I love our software, I love our software.”

I’m a HMIS Database Manager for a living.  It’s a dream job–all the nerdy stuff, plus, there is a possibility I’m helping people.  Currently, one area our software really lacks is quickly generating complex reports. It has the ability, but the servers are laggy, it crashes often, and a project which should take 20 minutes will take 50 minutes to 40 hours depending on the “report weather.”  These issues are probably caused by the reporting platform being web-based and calculations done server-side.  Regardless, given the amount of time the staff are eating on report projects I’ve decided to explore alternative systems for generating some of our needed reports.

Luckily, HUD has dictated a HMIS data format.  This is often known as the “CSV version.”  The specification of these data sets are outlined in HUD’s document:

These data standards are currently on version 5.1, however, HUD issues tweaks to these standards every October 1st.  Point is, if the data is standardized it should make it easy to manipulate using local tools.

Here are a few pros to explore local reporting tools:

  • Software vendor ambivalent
  • No bottleneck due to routing issues
  • Greater flexibility of reporting
  • No outage concerns
  • More control on optimization of queries

And the cons:

  • Somewhat more difficult to deploy to end-users (integration would probably be through batch files or Excel-VB)

Before jumping in to the alternatives it is important to point out HUD requires all HMIS software vendors have the ability to export a set of CSV files which contain all the HUD manadated data elements (also known as universal data elements).  This export process is reliable, fast, and predictable–at least, from my experience.  As the alternative tools are explored the data sets being used will most often be these HMIS CSVs, however, there will probably be other data our COC reports locally which will be joined to these CSVs using each participant’s unique ID.

Ok! Let’s take a look.


R gets me excited.  It is programming language for data miners.  It is primarily C under the hood, which potentially makes it blazingly fast. R is meant to be a command-line interface, but I’m using RStudio as convenient overaly.  R studio has a few limitations, for example only 15 columns may be view inside the IDE, but nothing show stopping.

This entry is not meant to be a course in R, however, I’ll add some of my favorite links:

  1. Coursera’s R Courses
  2. John Hopkins – R Programming

Here’s the toolchains:

  1. Mirror List for R Download (the CLI)
  2. RStudio (the R IDE used)

Alright, now we’ve got R going!

Ok, let’s dig into some code.

First it is important to be able to read in CSV and Excel files.  The ability to read in CSVs is built into R.  To start loading Excel documents the read_excel package will need to be installed. R has a package manager, allowing method libraries to be easily added.  Pretty much any package can be installed from the CLI using install.package(“name_of_package”).  For example:

    # Installs the readxl package, which allows Excel files to be
    # read in as data-frames

A package only needs to be installed once, however, every R session will need to refer to the library before making calls to its methods.  For example,

    # Adds the readxl methods to this session.

 After this package has been installed and added to the session, then we should be able to import all sorts of data into R using the following:

    # Load data
    read.csv( <- read_excel("DRC PoS Check In for October 2016.xlsx")
    csvData <- read.csv("My_CSV_file.csv")

 This creates two data-frames.  One thing action I found to be necessary for later functions the ability to rename column headers.  This can be done using the following:

    # Make the disability column easier to work with.
    colnames(data_frame)[col_number_to_rename] <- "new_name"

    # For example, renames the header of column 8 to "ethnicity"
    colnames(client)[8] <- "ethnicity"

This is important later when SQL functions are used inside of R, as speciali characters SQLite doesn’t like and workarounds make the SQL code verbose.

The most important thing which can be done by data people is merging datasets.  I’ve only started on this journey, but it looks to be an art which requires mastery to be effective.  But to get us going, here’s how to perform a left join in R.

    # Join data_frame_2 to data_frame_1 where the "key" column matches.
    # Do not keep any data which doesn't match the keys in data_frame_1
    combined_data_frames <- merge(data_frame_1, data_frame_2, by="key")

    # Here's a real example, using HUD HMIS CSVs
    client <- read.csv("Client.csv")
    enrollments <- read.csv("Enrollments.csv")
    client_and_hud_assessments <- merge(client, enrollments, by="PersonalID")

If you’re pretty sharp–or a data scientist–you might notice the flaw in the in the merger above.  The HMIS Client.csv should only have one record per participant, but the relationship from Client.csv to Enrollments.csv is one-to-many.  Meaning, each client could have mutiple project enrollments.  This makes the above code somewhat unpredictable–and I’ve no time to explore the results.  Instead, I’ve focused on taking the most recent entry from Enrollments.csv.  This can be done using some SQL code.

The SQL to R

Professional data folk may wonder why I’ve chosen to mix R and SQL.  Well, it may not be the best reason or explanation, but here goes.  R is a powerful tool, but often, the syntax is boggish.  It is hard to read and figure out what’s going on.  SQL on the other hand, it’s pretty intuitive.  For me, I’m looking to solve problems as quickly as possible and I’ve found by mixing the two I get to solutions much more quickly.  Often, it is a trade off, if a SQL query is running too slow, I look for an R solution.  And if I’ve re-read an R statement twenty times without being able to spot a bug, then I find a SQL solution.  For me, it’s about getting to the result as quickly as possible

A second reason to mix SQL is about respect and marketability.  R seems to be gaining ground in a lot of data sciences, and seems to be the tool when it comes to economics and statistics, however, most data exchanges have SQL at their heart.  Therefore, when I can use my work as an excuse to develop a marketable skill, I’m going to do it.  

If someone still has problems with those assertions, feel free to hate away in the comments below.

Alright, how does one mix SQL into R?  It centers around the package sqldf.  This package can be installed and added to a session with the following:

    # Install SQLdf package (run once)

    # Adds sqldf to the current R session

Underneath the hood of sqldf is SQLite, this important to note when it comes to debugging SQL queries in R–as we will see in a moment.

But, to get us kicked off, let’s look at how sqldf works in R.

    result_df <- sqldf("YOUR SQL QUERY HERE")

This is a sample of how sqldf works.  Basically, the sqldf() makes a SQLite query call and returns the results.  Here, all of the vector for PersonalIDs was taken from the Client.csv and put into a dataframe called personalIDs.  And that’s pretty much it.

Here’s an example in the context of HMIS CSV data.

    # Add the SQLdf library
    # Load Client CSV data
    client <- read.csv("Client.csv")
    # Get a vector of the client IDs from the Client.csv
    personalIDs <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT PersonalID FROM client")

Alright, from here on in I’m going to outline SQL queries seperately, just know, the SQL query will need to be insert into the sqldf(“”) call.

    SELECT DISTINCT PersonalID FROM client

Ok – I’m going to stop this article here, since it seems to have gotten us going.  However, I’ll continue adding to this series as I write useful queries for HMIS data.

ETO REST API in Swift -- Enterprise, Site, and Program Select

  1. Unwrap SSOAuthToken.  Else, handle error.
  2. Create request from webservice and SSOAuthToken.
  3. Make a GET request.
  4. Async-wait for response
  5. Unwrap response data.
  6. If GET request returned 200-299, request was success. If failed, handle.
  7. When successful, convert the return JSON data.  If failed, handle.
  8. Get Enterprise Names and enterpriseGUUID string from JSON data.
  9. Add the enterpriseGUUID string to a Dictionary using the Enterprise Names as the Key
  10. Call completion callback meothd with parameter “Success”
public func getListOfEnterprisesAvailable(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, completion: @escaping (_ response: ReturnInfoWithDictionary) -> Void){

    let SSOAuthToken = currentSessionInfo.SSOAuthToken!

    var returnInfo = ReturnInfoWithDictionary()
    var enterpriseDictionary = Dictionary<String, String>()

    let GetSSOEnterprisesService = "\(SSOAuthToken)"

    let request = Alamofire.request(GetSSOEnterprisesService, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default).validate().responseJSON { response in

            case .success:
                if let jsonData = {
                    let enterprisesList = JSON(data: jsonData)
                    for i in 0..<enterprisesList.count {
                        let key = enterprisesList[i]["Key"].string!
                        let value = enterprisesList[i]["Value"].string!
                        enterpriseDictionary.updateValue(key, forKey: value)
                    returnInfo.dictionary = enterpriseDictionary
                    returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .Success)
                } else {
                    returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .FailedToGetEnterpriseList)
            case .failure:
                returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .HTTPRequestFail)

public func setEnterprise(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, selectedEnterprise: String){
    let etoUserDefaults = ETOUserDefaults()
    etoUserDefaults.setUserDefault(key: .enterpriseID, value: selectedEnterprise)
    currentSessionInfo.setEnterprise(chosenEnterprise: selectedEnterprise)
  1. Unwrap SSOAuthToken.  Else, handle error.
  2. Unwrap selectedEnterpriseGuuid.  Else, handle error.
  3. Create request from  webservice URL, SSOAuthToken, Enterprise GUUID.
  4. Make a GET request.
  5. Async-wait for response
  6. Unwrap response data.
  7. If GET request returned 200-299, request was success. If failed, handle.
  8. When successful, convert the return JSON data.  If failed, handle.
  9. Get Site Name and Site Number from JSON data.
  10. Add the Site Number to a Dictionary using the Site Name as the Key
  11. Call completion callback meothd with parameter “Success”
public func getListOfSites(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, completion: @escaping (_ response: ReturnInfoWithDictionary) -> Void){

    var returnInfo = ReturnInfoWithDictionary()

    let SSOAuthToken = currentSessionInfo.SSOAuthToken ?? ""
    let selectedEnterpriseGuuid = currentSessionInfo.selectedEnterprise()

    if "" == SSOAuthToken {
        returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoSSOAuthToken)
    } else if "" == selectedEnterpriseGuuid {
        returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoEnterpriseIDSelected)
    } else {

        let GetSSOSitesService = "\(SSOAuthToken)/\(selectedEnterpriseGuuid)"

        let request = Alamofire.request(GetSSOSitesService, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default).validate().responseJSON { response in

            case .success:
                if let jsonData = {
                    let siteList = JSON(data: jsonData)
                    for i in 0..<siteList.count {
                        let keyInt = siteList[i]["Key"].int!
                        let key = String(keyInt)
                        let value = siteList[i]["Value"].string!
                        returnInfo.dictionary.updateValue(key, forKey: value)
                    returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .Success)
                } else {
                    returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .FailedToGetSiteList)
            case .failure:
                returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .HTTPRequestFail)
  1. Unwrap SSOAuthToken.  Else, handle error.
  2. Unwrap selectedEnterpriseGuuid.  Else, handle error.
  3. Create request from webservice, SSOAuthToken, and Enterprise GUUID.
  4. Make a GET request.
  5. Async-wait for response
  6. Unwrap response data.
  7. If GET request returned 200-299, request was success. If failed, handle.
  8. When successful, convert the returned JSON data.  If failed, handle.
  9. Assign the Site sessionSecurityToken from the token in JSON data.
  10. Call completion callback method with parameter “Success”
public func setSelectedSite(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, completion: @escaping (_ response: ReturnInfoWithString)-> Void){

  let etoUserDefault = ETOUserDefaults()
  var returnInfo = ReturnInfoWithString()

  let SSOAuthToken = currentSessionInfo.SSOAuthToken ?? ""
  let selectedEnterpriseGuuid = currentSessionInfo.selectedEnterprise()
  let selectedSite = currentSessionInfo.selectedSite()

  etoUserDefault.setUserDefault(key: .siteID, value: selectedSite)

  var secondsFromGMT: Int { return NSTimeZone.local.secondsFromGMT() }
  let utcOffsetInHours = String(secondsFromGMT / 60)

  if "" == SSOAuthToken {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoSSOAuthToken)
  } else if "" == selectedEnterpriseGuuid {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoEnterpriseIDSelected)
  } else if "" == utcOffsetInHours {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .InvalidUTC)
  } else {
      let body = "\(selectedSite)/\(selectedEnterpriseGuuid)/\(SSOAuthToken)/"
          + utcOffsetInHours
      let request = Alamofire.request(body, method: .get, encoding: URLEncoding.default).validate().responseJSON { response in

          case .success:
              if let jsonData = {
                  let sessionSecurityToken = JSON(data: jsonData)
                  currentSessionInfo.sessionSecurityToken = sessionSecurityToken.string!
                  returnInfo.value = sessionSecurityToken.string!
                  returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .Success)
              } else {
                  returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .FailedToGetSiteList)
          case .failure:
              returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .HTTPRequestFail)
  1. Unwrap selectedEnterpriseGuuid.  Else, handle error.
  2. Create request from webservice URL, sessionSecurityToken, and EnterpriseGUUID
  3. Make a GET request.
  4. Async-wait for response
  5. Unwrap response data.
  6. If GET request returned 200-299, request was success. If failed, handle.
  7. When successful, convert the return JSON data.  If failed, handle.
  8. Get Program Name and Program Number from JSON data.
  9. Add the Program Number to a Dictionary using the Program Name as the Key
  10. Call completion callback meothd with parameter “Success”
public func getListOfPrograms(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, completion: @escaping (_ response: ReturnInfoWithDictionary)  -> Void){

     var returnInfo = ReturnInfoWithDictionary()

     let headers = headersWithEnterpriseIDAndSecurityToken(currentSessionInfo: sessionInfo)

     let selectedSite = currentSessionInfo.selectedSite()

     if "" == currentSessionInfo.SSOAuthToken {
         returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoSSOAuthToken)
     } else if "" == currentSessionInfo.selectedEnterprise() {
         returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoEnterpriseIDSelected)
     } else if "" == selectedSite {
         returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoSiteIDSelected)
     } else {
         let body = "" + selectedSite

         let request = Alamofire.request(body, method: .get, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers).validate().responseJSON { response in

             case .success:
                 if let jsonData = {
                     let programList = JSON(data: jsonData).arrayValue
                     for i in 0..<programList.count {
                         let programIDInt = programList[i]["ID"].int
                         let disabled = programList[i]["Disabled"].boolValue //TODO: Make an option.
                         if !disabled {
                             if let programIDInt = programIDInt {
                                 returnInfo.dictionary.updateValue(String(programIDInt), forKey: programList[i]["Name"].string!)
                     currentSessionInfo.programsDictionary = returnInfo.dictionary
                     returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .Success)
                 } else {
                     returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .FailedToGetSiteList)
             case .failure:
                 returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .HTTPRequestFail)
  1. Unwrap selectedProgram.  Else, handle error.
  2. Unwrap selectedEnterpriseGuuid.  Else, handle error.
  3. Create request from webservice, selectedProgram, SSOAuthToken, and Enterprise GUUID.
  4. Make a GET request.
  5. Async-wait for response
  6. Unwrap response data.
  7. If GET request returned 200-299, request was success. If failed, handle.
  8. When successful, convert the returned JSON data.  If failed, handle.

  9. Call completion callback method with parameter “Success”
public func setSelectedProgram(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo, setToProgramID: String,completion: @escaping (_ response: ReturnInfoWithJSON) -> Void){

  var etoUserDefaults = ETOUserDefaults()
  var returnInfo: ReturnInfoWithJSON = ReturnInfoWithJSON()

  etoUserDefaults.setUserDefault(key: .programID, value: setToProgramID)

  if "" == currentSessionInfo.SSOAuthToken {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoSSOAuthToken)
  } else if "" == currentSessionInfo.selectedEnterprise() {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoEnterpriseIDSelected)
  } else if "" == setToProgramID {
      returnInfo.callback = prepareResponse(targetResponse: .NoProgramIDSelected)
  } else {
      let parameters: Parameters = [
          "ProgramID": setToProgramID

      let headers = headersWithEnterpriseIDAndSecurityToken(currentSessionInfo: currentSessionInfo)

      let body = ""

      let request = Alamofire.request(body, method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).validate().responseJSON { response in

          case .success:
              if let responseData = {
                  let jsonData = JSON(data: responseData)
                  currentSessionInfo.selectedProgramInfo = jsonData
                  currentSessionInfo.setProgram(chosenProgram: setToProgramID)
                  returnInfo.json = jsonData
                  returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .Success)
              } else {
                  returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .FailedToGetSiteList)
          case .failure:
              returnInfo.callback = self.prepareResponse(targetResponse: .HTTPRequestFail)
public func headersWithEnterpriseIDAndSecurityToken(currentSessionInfo: SessionInfo) -> HTTPHeaders{
    let selectedEnterpriseGuuid = currentSessionInfo.selectedEnterprise()
    let sessionSecurityToken = currentSessionInfo.sessionSecurityToken

    let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "enterpriseGuid": selectedEnterpriseGuuid,
        "securityToken": sessionSecurityToken,

    return headers

public func sortDictionary(dictionaryToSort: Dictionary<String, String>) -> Dictionary<String, String>{
    var dictionaryToReturn = Dictionary<String, String>()

    let sortedKeys = Array(dictionaryToSort.keys).sorted()

    for key in sortedKeys {
        if let valueForThisKey = dictionaryToSort[key] {
            dictionaryToReturn.updateValue(valueForThisKey, forKey: key)

    return dictionaryToReturn

private func prepareResponse(targetResponse: AuthenticationServiceResponseTypes) -> AuthenticationServiceResponse {
    var candidateResponse: AuthenticationServiceResponse = AuthenticationServiceResponse()
    candidateResponse.responseType = targetResponse
    candidateResponse.responseMessage = AuthenticationServiceResponseMessages[targetResponse]!
    return candidateResponse

public struct AuthenticationServiceResponse {
  var responseType: AuthenticationServiceResponseTypes
  var responseMessage: String

      self.responseType = .UnknownFailure
      self.responseMessage = AuthenticationServiceResponseMessages[.UnknownFailure]!
public struct ReturnInfoWithString {
    var value: String
    var callback: AuthenticationServiceResponse

        self.value = ""
        self.callback = AuthenticationServiceResponse()

public struct ReturnInfoWithDictionary {
    var dictionary: Dictionary<String, String> = Dictionary<String, String>()
    var callback: AuthenticationServiceResponse

        self.dictionary = Dictionary<String, String>()
        self.callback = AuthenticationServiceResponse()

public struct ReturnInfoWithJSON {
    var json: JSON?
    var callback: AuthenticationServiceResponse

        self.json = JSON(["":""])
        self.callback = AuthenticationServiceResponse()

public enum AuthenticationServiceResponseTypes {

        self = .UnknownFailure

public let AuthenticationServiceResponseMessages: Dictionary<AuthenticationServiceResponseTypes, String> = [
    .Success : "Success",
    .NoSSOAuthToken : "Authorization denied.",
    .HTTPRequestFail : "Failed to get information from server.",
    .FailedToGetEnterpriseList : "Failed to get enterprise list.",
    .FailedToGetSiteList : "Failed to get site list.",
    .InvalidUTC : "UTC Offset invalid.",
    .NoEnterpriseIDSelected : "No enterprise selected.",
    .UnknownFailure : "An unknown failure has occurred.",
    .NoSiteIDSelected: "No site selected.",
    .NoProgramIDSelected: "No program selected.",
    .failedToConnectToServer : "Failled to connect to server."