This is my attempt to write SQL against the HMIS 5.1 CSVs. It includes:
- Identifying Chronically Homeless (CHP) Participants enterprise Wide
- Identifying Veterans (Vets) enterprise wide
- Sorting CHPs and Vets to identify those who've exited the literal homelessness and where they went.
- Sorting CHPs and Vets to identify those are still in the literal homelessness
- Filtering to Active Participants in Projects using Entry / Exit
- Filtering to Active Participants in Projects using NBN
- Getting total NBN stays by participant
To actualy get anything done through writing SQL against these CSVs, one will need the HMIS Vendor CSV Specifications
Current HMIS CSV Specifications
startDate <- "2015-10-01"
endDate <- "2016-09-30"
affiliation <- read.csv("Affiliation.csv")
client <- read.csv("Client.csv")
disabilities <- read.csv("Disabilities.csv")
employementEducation <- read.csv("EmploymentEducation.csv")
enrollment <- read.csv("Enrollment.csv")
exit <- read.csv("Exit.csv")
export <- read.csv("Export.csv")
funder <- read.csv("Funder.csv")
healthAndDv <- read.csv("HealthAndDV.csv")
incomeBenefits <- read.csv("IncomeBenefits.csv")
inventory <- read.csv("Inventory.csv")
organization <- read.csv("Organization.csv")
project <- read.csv("Project.csv")
projectCoc <- read.csv("ProjectCoC.csv")
services <- read.csv("Services.csv")
site <- read.csv("Site.csv")
##### Get those Impairing Disability ########
disabledAndImpairedDf <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID
FROM disabilities
WHERE DisabilityResponse = 1
AND IndefiniteAndImpairs = 1")
##### Get those with Disabling Condition ###
disablingCondition <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID
FROM activeEnrollment
WHERE DisablingCondition = 1")
##### Get Active Participants #1 ############
# Compares enrollment.ProjectEntryID and exit.ProjectEntryID.
# Should take all records where there is no matching exit.
activeEnrollment <- sqldf("SELECT *
FROM enrollment a
LEFT JOIN exit b
ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
WHERE b.ProjectEntryID IS NULL")
activeEnrollment <- subset(activeEnrollment)
## ^^^^^^ Doesn't work. ^^^^^^
# Rhis will not work for us, since many shelters are
# not entering HUD Exit Assessments.
##### Get Active Participants #2 ############
# For activeEnrollment, take the MAX(EntryDate) from enrollment and
# MAX(ExitDate) FROM exit. Then, compare the dates, if the entry date is later
# then the exit date, then the participant is still active in the project.
# if the ExitDate is after the entry, then the participant is no longer in the project.
mostRecentEnrollment <- sqldf("SELECT *, MAX(EntryDate) As 'MostRecentEntryDate'
FROM enrollment
GROUP BY PersonalID")
mostRecentExit <- sqldf("SELECT *, MAX(ExitDate) As 'MostRecentExitDate'
FROM exit
GROUP BY PersonalID")
mostRecentEntryAndExit <- sqldf("SELECT a.PersonalID, a.MostRecentEntryDate, b.MostRecentExitDate, a.ProjectEntryID, b.ExitID
FROM mostRecentEnrollment a
LEFT JOIN mostRecentExit b
ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
activeParticipants <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, MostRecentEntryDate, MostRecentExitDate, ProjectEntryID, ExitID
FROM mostRecentEntryAndExit
WHERE (MostRecentEntryDate > MostRecentExitDate)
OR MostRecentExitDate IS NULL
dayLongParticipants <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, MostRecentEntryDate, MostRecentExitDate, ProjectEntryID, ExitID
FROM mostRecentEntryAndExit
WHERE (MostRecentEntryDate = MostRecentExitDate)
inactiveParticipants <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, MostRecentEntryDate, MostRecentExitDate, ProjectEntryID
FROM mostRecentEntryAndExit
WHERE (MostRecentEntryDate < MostRecentExitDate)
## ^^^^^^ Grr...Doesn't work. ^^^^^^
# Unfortunately, this wont work because of participants exited from a project
# then enrolled in a different project on the same day.
# Looks like I'm getting active participants through method one, filtering out
# the TCES, and then adding them back in.
# Wait, the TCES:PNS and TCES:TSA should both be pulling only participants
# who've stayed in a bed. Maybe it's the DRC which is responsible for the high total?
# I'll re-pull the data excluding the DRC and see if that drastically lowers the number.
##### Get Active Participants #3 ############
############## Incomplete ###################
# My next thought is to break out NBN data, where Exits are collected. Once removed, then the activeEnrollment formula
# should work, since everything else is Entry / Exit. I'll then use the Services NBN dates to determine if someone is
# still active in the shelters.
##### Get Active NBN Participants ##########
###### And their total NBN stays ############
# 200 = NBN Service
clientNbn <- sqldf("SELECT *
FROM services
WHERE RecordType = 200
str <- paste("SELECT * FROM clientNbn WHERE DateProvided > '", startDate, "' AND DateProvided < '", endDate,"'", sep = "")
activeClientNbn <- sqldf(str)
distinctActiveClientNbn <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(PersonalID) FROM activeClientNbn")
clientNbnDuration <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, COUNT(DateProvided) As 'Total NBN Stays'
FROM clientNbn
activeNbnClientWithTotalNbnDuration <- sqldf("SELECT a.PersonalID, b.'Total NBN Stays'
FROM distinctActiveClientNbn a
INNER JOIN clientNbnDuration b
ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
ORDER BY b.'Total NBN Stays' DESC
##### Length-of-Stay ########################
# Participants who meet the length-of-stay in homelessness requirement
# Either through four or more occurences with cumulative duration exceeding a year
# Or a consequtive year.
# 113 = "12 Months"
# 114 = "More than 12 Months"
chronicityDf <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, 'Yes' As 'Meets LOS'
FROM activeEnrollment
WHERE (TimesHomelessPastThreeYears = 4
MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears = 113
OR MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears = 114)
OR (CAST(JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(DateToStreetESSH) AS Integer) > 364
AND (DateToStreetESSH != '')
##### Chronically Homeless ##################
# Take the distinct PersonalIDs of individuals who meet both chronicity
# and disabling condition.
chronicallyHomeless <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(a.PersonalID)
FROM chronicityDf a
INNER JOIN disablingCondition b
ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
# Get client info for chronically homeless.
chClient <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As 'Chronically Homeless'
FROM client a
INNER JOIN chronicallyHomeless b
ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
chClient <- subset(chClient)
##### Chronically Homeless Veterans #########
# Finds the total Chronically Homeless Veterans in the data set.
chronicallyHomelessVeterans <- sqldf("SELECT *
FROM chClient
WHERE VeteranStatus = 1
##### Exit Destination Information ##########
############## Incomplete ###################
# Take only the most recent exit assessment
clientLastExit <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, MAX(ExitDate), Destination
FROM exit
clientLastExit <- destinationToReadable(clientLastExit)
clientsBrief <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, FirstName, LastName, SSN FROM client")
clientsBriefExit <- sqldf("SELECT *
FROM clientsBrief a
INNER JOIN clientLastExit b
ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
# Target day is 1-26-2017
# activeRecords <- activeFilter(df, "occStartDate", "occEndDate", "2017-01-23", '2017-01-26')
activeFilter <- function(df, dateVector1, dateVector2, beginRange, endRange){
df[] <- ""
df[dateVector1,] <- as.character(df[dateVector1,])
df[dateVector2,] <- as.character(df[dateVector2,])
str <- paste("SELECT * FROM df WHERE (", dateVector1, "< '", endRange, "' AND ", dateVector2, " = '') OR (", dateVector1, "< '", endRange, "' AND ", dateVector2, " > '", beginRange, "')", sep = "")
makeDestinationReadable <- function (df) {
df <- exit
df <- sqldf("SELECT *, Destination as 'ReadableDestination' FROM df")
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "1"] <- "Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "2"] <- "Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth)"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "3"] <- "Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as: CoC project; or HUD legacy programs; or HOPWA PH)"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "4"] <- "Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "5"] <- "Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "6"] <- "Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "7"] <- "Jail, prison or juvenile detention facility"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "8"] <- "Client doesn’t know"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "9"] <- "Client refused"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "10"] <- "Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "11"] <- "Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "12"] <- "Staying or living with family, temporary tenure (e.g., room, apartment or house)"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "13"] <- "Staying or living with friends, temporary tenure (e.g., room apartment or house)"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "14"] <- "Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "15"] <- "Foster care home or foster care group home"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "16"] <- "Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside)"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "17"] <- "Other"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "18"] <- "Safe Haven"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "19"] <- "Rental by client, with VASH housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "20"] <- "Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "21"] <- "Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "22"] <- "Staying or living with family, permanent tenure"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "23"] <- "Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "24"] <- "Deceased"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "25"] <- "Long-term care facility or nursing home"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "26"] <- "Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "27"] <- "Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA TH"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "28"] <- "Rental by client, with GPD TIP housing subsidy"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "29"] <- "Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "30"] <- "No exit interview completed"
df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "99"] <- "Data not collected"