This is a build out of TX-601's Coordinated Entry By-Name List.  The report is written using SQLDF inside of an R environment.

Homebase Function

homebase <- function(
  clientContactInfoPath) {


  # Load the weights for progress bar
  loadingPackagesIncrement <- 2
  loadingHMISDataIncrement <- 10
  addDisabilitiesIncrement <- 5
  householdIdIncrement <- 4
  calculatingAgeIncrement <- 1
  gettingEnrollmentsIncrement <- 10
  gettingStaffInfoIncrement <- 5
  calculatingCHIncrement <- 10
  addVispdatIncrement <- 5
  getFamilyWithChildIncrement <- 5
  loadServicesIncrement <- 15
  nbnStaysIncrement <- 5
  outreachContactsIncrement <- 5
    outreachAndNbnCountIncrement <- 5
    clientContactinfoIncrement <- 3
  makeHmisCodesReadableIncrement <- 2
  formatHomebaseIncrement <- 1

  # Find the progress bar max.
  total <- (loadingPackagesIncrement +
              loadingHMISDataIncrement +
              addDisabilitiesIncrement +
              householdIdIncrement +
              calculatingAgeIncrement +
              gettingEnrollmentsIncrement +
              gettingStaffInfoIncrement +
              calculatingCHIncrement +
              addVispdatIncrement +
              getFamilyWithChildIncrement +
              loadServicesIncrement +
              nbnStaysIncrement +
              outreachAndNbnCountIncrement +
              makeHmisCodesReadableIncrement +
              formatHomebaseIncrement +
      # Initialize progress bar
  pbCounter = 0
  pb <- tkProgressBar(title = "Homebase Function", min = 0,
                      max = total, width = 300)

  ###### START ##########
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Loading Packages")

  # There needs to be a lot of allocated memory for Java for
  # XLConnect to work.
    options(java.parameters = "-Xmx14336m") ## memory set to 14 GB


  # Load the HMIS functions.

  # Return to execution path.

  # Update progress bar
  pbCounter <- pbCounter + loadingPackagesIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Loading HMIS Data")

  # Load HMIS Data
  client <- loadClient(hmisDataPath)
  enrollment <- loadEnrollment(hmisDataPath)
  disabilities <- loadDisabilities(hmisDataPath)
  exit <- loadExit(hmisDataPath)
  project <- loadProject(hmisDataPath)
  enrollmentCoc <- loadEnrollmentCoc(hmisDataPath)

  # Return to execution path.

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + loadingHMISDataIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Disabilities")

  # Takes the Disabilities.csv and breaks out the disabilities reported
  # for each participants into individual elements with binary resposnes.
  client <- addDisabilityInfoToClient(client, disabilities)

  # Update progress bar
  pbCounter <- pbCounter + addDisabilitiesIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Household IDs")

  # Gets the PersonalIDs of participants with a HUD Entry or Update in last 90 days.
  enrollmentCoc <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(enrollmentCoc, "PersonalID", "DateCreated")
  enrollmentCoc$DateCreated <- as.character(enrollmentCoc$DateCreated)

  # Get Household IDs from EnrollmentCoc.csv
  client_HHIDs <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT a.PersonalID, b.HouseholdID
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN enrollmentCoc b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
                  WHERE HouseholdID != 'NA'

  client_HHIDs <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, MAX(HouseholdID) As 'HouseholdID' FROM client_HHIDs GROUP BY PersonalID")

  # Update progress bar
  pbCounter <- pbCounter + householdIdIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Calculating Age")

  # Calculate age
  client <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT *, (DATE('NOW') - DATE(DOB)) As 'Age' FROM client")

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + calculatingAgeIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Enrollments")

  # Filters to most recent HUD Assessment per participant
  df1 <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(enrollment, "PersonalID", "EntryDate")

  ## Adds a 'MaxEntryDate' flag to enrollment
  #enrollment <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.MaxEntryDate
                      #FROM enrollment a
                      #LEFT JOIN df1 b
                      #ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID

    # Adds a 'MaxEntryDate' flag to enrollment
    enrollment <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.MaxEntryDate
                      FROM enrollment a
                      LEFT JOIN df1 b
                      ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
                      WHERE b.MaxEntryDate = 'Yes'

  # Get Project Info for Enrollment
  enrollmentCoc <- addProjectInfoToEnrollment(enrollmentCoc, project)

  df3 <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, DateCreated As 'MostRecentHUDAssess', UserID As 'StaffID', ProjectName, ProjectType
               FROM enrollmentCoc")
  df3 <- makeProjectTypeReadable(df3)
  pbCounter <- pbCounter + gettingStaffInfoIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Calculating Chronically Homeless")

  # Adds a ChronicallyHomeless flag
  df4 <- addChronicallyHomelessFlagToClient(client, df1)
  # Adds a ActiveInPh flag
  df5 <- getClientsInPH(loadEnrollment(hmisDataPath), exit, project)

  # Returns flags to clientDf
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT a.*, b.'ActiveInPh', c.EntryDate
                        FROM df4 a
                        LEFT JOIN df5 b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
                        LEFT JOIN enrollment c
                        ON a.PersonalID=c.PersonalID

  colnames(targetClient)[which(colnames(targetClient) == "EntryDate")] <- "RecentHUDEntryDate"

  # Load staff information
  staffInfo <- readWorksheetFromFile(staffInfoDataPath, sheet = 1, startRow = 1)
  colnames(staffInfo)[1] <- "StaffID"
  staffInfo <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT StaffID, Name, Email FROM staffInfo")

  # Find the staff information for who completed each HUD Assessment.
  df7 <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.Name As 'StaffName', b.Email As 'StaffEmail'
               FROM df3 a
               LEFT JOIN staffInfo b
               ON a.StaffID=b.StaffID
  remove(list = c("staffInfo"))

  # Add the Staff and Project information back to client list.
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.MostRecentHUDAssess, b.StaffName, b.StaffEmail, b.ProjectName As 'LastProgramInContact', b.ReadableProjectType As 'LastProjectTypeContacted'
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN df7 b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  targetClient <- subset(targetClient)

  # Cleanup
  remove(list = c("df4", "df3", "df5", "df1", "enrollmentCoc"))

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + calculatingCHIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Adding VI-SPDAT")

  # Load VI-SPDAT information
  viSpdat <- readWorksheetFromFile(vispdatDataPath, sheet = 1, startRow = 1)
  viSpdat2 <- readWorksheetFromFile(viSpdat2DataPath, sheet = 1, startRow = 1)

  # Clean up VI-SPDAT1 formatting
  colnames(viSpdat)[6] <- "DateOfVISPDAT"
  viSpdat$DateOfVISPDAT <- as.character(viSpdat$DateOfVISPDAT)
  viSpdat$Participant.Enterprise.Identifier <- gsub("-", "", viSpdat$Participant.Enterprise.Identifier)
  viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier <- gsub("-", "", viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier)
  viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier <- gsub("\\{", "", viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier)
    viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier <- gsub("\\}", "", viSpdat$Family.Enterprise.Identifier)
    colnames(viSpdat)[1] <- "PersonalID"

  # Clean up VI-SPDAT2 formatting
  viSpdat2$DateOfVISPDAT <- as.character(viSpdat2$DateOfVISPDAT)
  viSpdat2$PersonalID <- gsub("-", "", viSpdat2$PersonalID)

    # Get most recent VI-SPDAT per client.
  viSpdat <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(viSpdat, "PersonalID", "DateOfVISPDAT")
  viSpdat2 <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(viSpdat2, "PersonalID", "DateOfVISPDAT")

    # Shape VI-SPDAT to look like VI-SPDAT 2
    viSpdat <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, DateOfVISPDAT As 'DateOfVISPDAT', '' As VISPDATTotalFamilyScore, '' As VISPDATTotalYouthScore, ScoreVISPDAT As 'VISPDATTotalIndividualScore', 'Individual' As TypeOfViSpdat FROM viSpdat")
    viSpdat2 <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, DateOfVISPDAT, VISPDATTotalFamilyScore, VISPDATTotalYouthScore, VISPDATTotalIndividualScore, TypeOfViSpdat FROM viSpdat2")

    allVispdat <- rbind(viSpdat, viSpdat2)

    # Get max between new and old VI-SPDAT
    allVispdat <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(allVispdat, "PersonalID", "DateOfVISPDAT")

    allVispdat <- unique(allVispdat)

    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore[allVispdat$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore == ''] <- '0'
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore[allVispdat$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore == ''] <- '0'
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalYouthScore[allVispdat$VISPDATTotalYouthScore == ''] <- '0'

    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore[$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore)] <- '0'
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore[$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore)] <- '0'
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalYouthScore[$VISPDATTotalYouthScore)] <- '0'

    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore <- as.integer(allVispdat$VISPDATTotalIndividualScore)
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore <- as.integer(allVispdat$VISPDATTotalFamilyScore)
    allVispdat$VISPDATTotalYouthScore <- as.integer(allVispdat$VISPDATTotalYouthScore)

    allVispdat <- subset(allVispdat)
    # Make one column for score.
    #allVispdat <- sqldf("SELECT *, CASE 
                                    #WHEN (VISPDATTotalFamilyScore IS '' 
                                          #AND VISPDATTotalYouthScore IS '') 
                                          #THEN VISPDATTotalIndividualScore
                                    #WHEN (VISPDATTotalFamilyScore IS '' 
                                          #AND VISPDATTotalIndividualScore IS '') 
                                          #THEN VISPDATTotalYouthScore
                                          #ELSE VISPDATTotalFamilyScore
                                   #END As 'ScoreVISPDAT'
                        #FROM allVispdat
                        #ORDER BY ScoreVISPDAT DESC

    allVispdat <- sqldf("SELECT *, CASE 
                                    WHEN (VISPDATTotalFamilyScore <= VISPDATTotalIndividualScore
                                          AND VISPDATTotalYouthScore <= VISPDATTotalIndividualScore) 
                                          THEN VISPDATTotalIndividualScore
                                    WHEN (VISPDATTotalFamilyScore <= VISPDATTotalYouthScore
                                          AND VISPDATTotalIndividualScore <= VISPDATTotalYouthScore) 
                                          THEN VISPDATTotalYouthScore
                                          ELSE VISPDATTotalFamilyScore
                                   END As 'ScoreVISPDAT'
                        FROM allVispdat
                        ORDER BY ScoreVISPDAT DESC

    allVispdat$ScoreVISPDAT <- as.numeric(allVispdat$ScoreVISPDAT)

  targetClient <- subset(targetClient)

  # Add VI-SPDAT scores and dates to the client list.
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.ScoreVISPDAT, b.DateOfVISPDAT, b.TypeOfVispdat
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN allVispdat b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  # Just in case, make date SQLite friendly.
  targetClient$DateOfVISPDAT <- as.character(targetClient$DateOfVISPDAT)

  remove(list = c("viSpdat", "viSpdat2", "allVispdat"))

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + addVispdatIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Family with Child")

 client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.HouseholdID 
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN client_HHIDs b 
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID")
 targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.HouseholdID 
                  FROM targetClient a
                  LEFT JOIN client_HHIDs b 
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID")


    client <- loadClient(hmisDataPath)
    enrollment <- loadEnrollment(hmisDataPath)

    family_flag_builder <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT PersonalID, HouseholdID, RelationshipToHoH FROM enrollment")

    family_flag_builder <- family_flag_builder[!$HouseholdID),]
    family_flag_builder <- sqldf("SELECT HouseholdID, 
        (CASE WHEN RelationshipToHoH = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) As 'Adult', 
        (CASE WHEN RelationshipToHoH = 2 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) As 'Child' 
        FROM family_flag_builder")
    hhids_of_adults <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT HouseholdID, Adult FROM family_flag_builder WHERE Adult = 'Yes'")
    hhids_of_child <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT HouseholdID, Child FROM family_flag_builder WHERE Child = 'Yes'")
    family_flag_builder <- sqldf("SELECT a.HouseholdID, a.Adult, b.Child
                         FROM hhids_of_adults a
                         INNER JOIN hhids_of_child b
                         ON a.HouseholdID=b.HouseholdID  

    family_flag_builder <- sqldf("SELECT HouseholdID, 'Yes' As FamilyWithChildren FROM family_flag_builder WHERE Adult = 'Yes' AND Child = 'Yes' GROUP BY HouseholdID")

  # Add the family flag back to the client list.
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT a.*, b.FamilyWithChildren
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN family_flag_builder b
                        ON a.HouseholdID=b.HouseholdID

  remove(list = c("family_flag_builder"))

  targetClient <- subset(targetClient)
  pbCounter <- pbCounter + getFamilyWithChildIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Loading Services")

  # Free up some memory before attempting Services.csv
  remove(list = c("client", "enrollment", "disabilities", "exit", "project"))


  # Load services -- large files.
  services <- loadServices()

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + loadServicesIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Night-by-Night Stays")

  # Get all of te NBN service entries.
  clientNbn <- sqldf("SELECT *
                     FROM services
                     WHERE RecordType = 200
  # Count the number of NBN check-ins per client.  Make sure the date as distinct, due to ETO duplicate bed
  # stays when data is pulled using a program-group including two-shelters.
  daysCheckedInNBN <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(PersonalID), COUNT (DISTINCT(DateProvided)) As 'NonProgramShelterNights'
                            FROM clientNbn
                            GROUP BY PersonalID

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + nbnStaysIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Getting Outreach Contacts")

  # Get all Outreach Contact services.
  clientOutreach <- sqldf("SELECT *
                          FROM services
                          WHERE RecordType = 12

  # Count all Outreach Contacts per client.  Count distinct is to get around ETO bug when data is
  # pulled using a program group which includes two outreach agencies.
  outreachContacts <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(PersonalID), COUNT (DISTINCT(DateProvided)) As 'NumberOutreachContacts'
                            FROM clientOutreach
                            GROUP BY PersonalID

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + outreachContactsIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Adding Outreach and NBN Count")

  # Add NBN stays to client list.
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.NonProgramShelterNights
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN daysCheckedInNBN b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  # Add Outreach Contacts to client list.
  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.NumberOutreachContacts
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN outreachContacts b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  remove(list = c("services", "clientOutreach", "daysCheckedInNBN", "clientNbn", "outreachContacts"))

    pbCounter <- pbCounter + outreachAndNbnCountIncrement
    setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Add Client Contact Info")

  # Add client contact information
  clientContactInfo <- readWorksheetFromFile(clientContactInfoPath, sheet = 1, startRow = 1)
  colnames(clientContactInfo)[1] <- "PersonalID"
  colnames(clientContactInfo)[2] <- "ProgramStartDate"
  colnames(clientContactInfo)[3] <- "ClientEmail"
    colnames(clientContactInfo)[4] <- "ClientPhone"
    clientContactInfo$PersonalID <- gsub("-", "", clientContactInfo$PersonalID)

  clientContactInfo <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientContactInfo, "PersonalID", "ProgramStartDate")

  targetClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.ClientEmail, b.ClientPhone 
                        FROM targetClient a
                        LEFT JOIN clientContactInfo b
                        ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + clientContactinfoIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Make HMIS Codes Readable")


  # Make HMIS codes human readable.
  targetClient <- combineRaceColumnsAndMakeReadable(targetClient)
  targetClient <- makeGenderReadable(targetClient)
  targetClient <- makeEthnicityReadable(targetClient)
  targetClient <- makeVeteranStatusReadable(targetClient)

  pbCounter <- pbCounter + makeHmisCodesReadableIncrement
  setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Format Homebase Dataframe")

  # Pull and format the client list.
  homebase_all <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT
                        FROM targetClient a

    pbCounter <- pbCounter + formatHomebaseIncrement
    setTkProgressBar(pb, pbCounter, label = "Homebase Complete")

    # Clean up

    rm(list = setdiff(ls(), "homebase_all"))
    # Retun list.

Homebase Report

options(java.parameters = "-Xmx14336m") ## memory set to 14 GB

                    "For development information please visit",

                    "Added order by for PSH and RRH -- should match operations manual.",
                    "Changed 90-day filter for VI-SPDAT to only need at least one VI-SPDAT to keep participant in 'active'",
                    "Added client contact information",

                    "Changed EnrollmentCoC max date function to look at DateCreated not InformationDate",
                    "Changed the Enrollment max date function to look at EntryDate and not DateCreated",

                    "Automated Formatting",
                    "Added descending on VeteranStatus, FamilyWithChildren, ScoreVISPDAT in respective order.",
                    "Added Graphic Dashboard",

                    "Switched from using Client.DOB -> Age for establishing family to Enrollment.RelationshipToHoH.  This seems to have addressed the families not flagging.",

                    "Incorporated VI-SPDAT2",

                    "Initial Report",
# Argument guide
  # 1 = Name of Report
  # 2 = Folder path for HMIS data
  # 3 = VI-SPDAT File data
  # 4 = Staff Info File data
  # 5 = Executing directory path

# args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
# nameOfReport <- args[1]
# hmisDataPath <- args[2]
# vispdatDataPath <- args[3]
# staffInfoDataPath <- args[4]
# executionPath <- args[5]
# viSpdat2DataPath <- args[6]
# outputPath <- executionPath
# homebaseFunctionFilePath <- paste(executionPath, "\\Homebase_Function.R", sep ="")
# hmisFunctionsFilePath <- paste(executionPath, "\\HMIS_R_Functions.R", sep = "")

# PC
nameOfReport <- "Homebase_Report.R"
hmisDataPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/All Program 2016 Program Group  3-1-2017 - 5-30-2017"
vispdatDataPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/VI-SPDAT and HUD Flat Export for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
staffInfoDataPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/Staff Contact Info for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
executionPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report"
hmisFunctionsFilePath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/HMIS_R_Functions/HMIS_R_Functions.R"
homebaseFunctionFilePath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_v2_TX-601/Coordinated_Entry_v2_TX-601/Homebase_Function.R"
outputPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse"
viSpdat2DataPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/VI-SPDAT v2.0 -- 04-05-17 -- TB.xlsx"
clientContactInfoPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/Client Contact for SQL -- 5-30-17 -- TB.xlsx"
outputPath <- "E:/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse"
# Mac PC
 #nameOfReport <- "Homebase_Report.R"
 #hmisDataPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Desktop/Homebase 04-18-2017/data"
 #vispdatDataPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/VI-SPDAT and HUD Flat Export for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
 #staffInfoDataPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/Staff Contact Info for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
 #executionPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report"
 #hmisFunctionsFilePath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/HMIS_R_Functions/HMIS_R_Functions.R"
 #homebaseFunctionFilePath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_v2_TX-601/Coordinated_Entry_v2_TX-601/Homebase_Function.R"
 #viSpdat2DataPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Dropbox/HMIS/Warehouse/VI-SPDAT v2.0 -- 04-05-17 -- TB.xlsx"
 #outputPath <- "C:/Users/Ladvien/Desktop"
# Mac
#nameOfReport <- "Homebase_Report.R"
#hmisDataPath <- "/Users/user/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report/All Programs 12-18-2016 to 03-18-2017"
#vispdatDataPath <- "/Users/user/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report/VI-SPDAT and HUD Flat Export for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
#staffInfoDataPath <- "/Users/user/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report/Staff Contact Info for SQL -- 3-6-2017.xlsx"
#executionPath <- "/Users/user/Dropbox/HMIS/Coordinated_Entry_Report"
#hmisFunctions <- "/Users/user/Dropbox/HMIS/HMIS_R_Functions/HMIS_R_Functions.R"
cat("arg1: ")
cat("arg2: ")
cat("arg3: ")
cat("arg4: ")
cat("arg5: ")
cat("arg6: ")


homebase_all <- homebase(hmisDataPath,

######## WIP: Aggregates ##########
numberOfHudAssessmentsPerStaff <- sqldf("SELECT StaffName, COUNT(StaffName) FROM homebase_all GROUP BY StaffName")
#countOfChronicallyHomeless <- sqldf("SELECT COUNT(PersonalID) As CountOfChronic FROM homebase_all WHERE ChronicallyHomeless = 'Yes'")
#countOfGender <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(Gender), COUNT(Gender) FROM homebase_all GROUP BY Gender")
#ageCounts <- sqldf("SELECT CASE
                        #WHEN Age < 5 THEN 1
                        #WHEN Age > 4 AND Age < 13 THEN 2
                        #WHEN Age > 13 AND Age < 18 THEN 3
                        #WHEN Age > 17 AND Age < 25 THEN 4
                        #WHEN Age > 24 AND Age < 35 THEN 5
                        #WHEN Age > 34 AND Age < 45 THEN 6
                        #WHEN Age > 44 AND Age < 55 THEN 7
                        #WHEN Age > 54 AND Age < 62 THEN 8
                        #WHEN Age > 61 THEN 9
                        #END As AgeType
                    #FROM homebase_all 

#aggregates <- cbind(numberOfHudAssessmentsPerStaff, countOfChronicallyHomeless)
homebase_housed <- sqldf("SELECT *
                         FROM homebase_all
                         WHERE ActiveInPH IS 'Yes'
                         ORDER BY VeteranStatus DESC,
                                  FamilyWithChildren DESC,
                                  ScoreVISPDAT DESC

# Filter client to PersonalIDs with Entry or Update in last 90 days
homebase_active <- sqldf("SELECT *
                  FROM homebase_all
                  WHERE (
                          RecentHUDEntryDate > DATE('NOW', '-90 DAY')
                          OR (MostRecentHUDAssess > DATE('NOW', '-90 DAY'))
                          (DateOfVISPDAT != '')
                  ActiveInPH IS NOT 'Yes'
                  ORDER BY VeteranStatus DESC,
                           FamilyWithChildren DESC,
                           ScoreVISPDAT DESC

tmp_possibly_active <- sqldf("SELECT *
                             FROM homebase_all
                             WHERE (( MostRecentHUDAssess > DATE('NOW', '-90 DAY')) 
                              (DateOfVISPDAT > DATE('NOW', '-90 DAY'))
                             ActiveInPH IS NOT 'Yes'
                             ORDER BY VeteranStatus DESC,
                                      FamilyWithChildren DESC,
                                      ScoreVISPDAT DESC

homebase_possibly_active <- sqldf("SELECT a.*
                                  FROM tmp_possibly_active a
                                  LEFT JOIN homebase_active b
                                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID
                                  WHERE b.PersonalID IS NULL
                                  ORDER BY VeteranStatus DESC,
                                           FamilyWithChildren DESC,
                                           ScoreVISPDAT DESC

homebase_psh <- sqldf("SELECT *
                      FROM homebase_active
                      WHERE ChronicallyHomeless = 'Yes'
                      ORDER BY MostRecentHUDAssess DESC                    

homebase_psh <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM homebase_psh ORDER BY 
                                          ScoreVISPDAT DESC, 
                                          NonProgramShelterNights DESC

homebase_rrh <- sqldf("SELECT *
                      FROM homebase_active
                      WHERE ChronicallyHomeless IS NOT 'Yes'

tmp_rrh_vets <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM homebase_rrh WHERE VeteranStatus = 'Yes'")
tmp_rrh_youth <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM homebase_rrh WHERE Age > 17 AND Age < 26")
tmp_rrh_families <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM homebase_rrh WHERE FamilyWithChildren = 'Yes'")
tmp_rrh_singles <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM homebase_rrh WHERE VeteranStatus IS NOT 'Yes' 
                                                           AND FamilyWithChildren IS NOT 'Yes'
                                                           AND Age < 18 OR Age > 25

tmp_rrh_vets <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM tmp_rrh_vets ORDER BY
                                                ScoreVISPDAT DESC,
                                                NonProgramShelterNights DESC, 
                                                MostRecentHUDAssess DESC

tmp_rrh_youth <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM tmp_rrh_youth ORDER BY
                                                ScoreVISPDAT DESC,
                                                NonProgramShelterNights DESC, 
                                                MostRecentHUDAssess DESC

tmp_rrh_families <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM tmp_rrh_families ORDER BY
                                                ScoreVISPDAT DESC,
                                                NonProgramShelterNights DESC, 
                                                MostRecentHUDAssess DESC

tmp_rrh_singles <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM tmp_rrh_singles ORDER BY
                                                ScoreVISPDAT DESC,
                                                NonProgramShelterNights DESC, 
                                                MostRecentHUDAssess DESC

homebase_rrh <- rbind(tmp_rrh_vets, tmp_rrh_youth, tmp_rrh_families, tmp_rrh_singles)

homebase_assistToList <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT StaffName, COUNT(StaffName) As 'AssistToList'
                    FROM homebase_active
                    WHERE ActiveInPH IS NOT 'Yes'
                    GROUP BY StaffName
                    ORDER BY AssistToList DESC


#df1 <- homebase_all$LastProjectTypeContacted

#ggplot(homebase_all, aes(NumberOutreachContacts, LastProgramInContact)) +
  #geom_raster(aes(fill = Age), interpolate = FALSE)

detach("package:XLConnect", unload = TRUE)
detach("package:xlsx", unload = TRUE)

reportDetails <- data.frame(developmentLog)
colnames(reportDetails)[1] <- "Development Log"

ch_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Chronically\nHomeless' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE ChronicallyHomeless WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

vet_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Veteran' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE VeteranStatus WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

female_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Female' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE Gender WHEN 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

male_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Male' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE Gender WHEN 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

development_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Developmental\nDisability' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE DevelopmentalDisability WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")
chronic_health_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Chronic Health\nCondition' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE ChronicHealthCondition WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")
hiv_aids_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'HIV/AIDS' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE 'HIV/AIDS' WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")
mental_health_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Mental Health\nProblem' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE MentalHealthProblem WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")
substance_abuse_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Substance\nAbuse' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE SubstanceAbuse WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

#fleeing_dv_count <-

family_count <- sqldf("SELECT 'Family With Children' As 'Category', 
    SUM(CASE FamilyWithChildren WHEN 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As 'Count'
    FROM homebase_psh")

counts <- rbind(ch_count,

counts$val <- seq()
counts$Category <- factor(counts$Category, levels = counts$Category[order(counts$val)])

# Calculate Housing Vacancy               #

project <- loadProject(hmisDataPath)
enrollment <- loadEnrollment(hmisDataPath)
exit <- loadExit(hmisDataPath)
inventory <- loadInventory(hmisDataPath)

enrollmentAndProject <- addProjectInfoToEnrollment(enrollment, project)
activeInHousing <- sqldf("SELECT a.ProjectEntryID, a.PersonalID, a.ProjectType, a.ProjectName, a.ProjectID, b.ExitDate
                          FROM enrollmentAndProject a
                          LEFT JOIN exit b
                          ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
                          WHERE (a.ProjectType = 2 OR a.ProjectType = 3 OR a.ProjectType = 9 OR a.ProjectType = 13)

activeInHousing$ExitDate[$ExitDate)] <- 0
activeInHousing <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM activeInHousing WHERE ExitDate = 0")
aggregatedActiveInHousing <- sqldf("SELECT ProjectName, ProjectID, COUNT(ProjectName) As 'Enrolled' 
                                    FROM activeInHousing 
                                    GROUP BY ProjectName
                                    ORDER BY Enrolled DESC")

tmp <- sqldf("SELECT ProjectID, SUM(HMISParticipatingBeds) As 'Beds' FROM inventory GROUP BY ProjectID")

aggregatedActiveInHousing <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.Beds 
                                    FROM aggregatedActiveInHousing a
                                    LEFT JOIN tmp b
                                    ON a.ProjectID=b.ProjectID

projectVacancy <- sqldf("SELECT ProjectName, Enrolled, Beds, (CAST(Enrolled As FLOAT) / CAST(Beds As Float)) As 'OccupancyPercentage' FROM aggregatedActiveInHousing ORDER BY 'Vacancy %' DESC")
projectVacancy <- projectVacancy[order(projectVacancy$OccupancyPercentage),]
projectVacancy <- subset(projectVacancy)
projectWithVacancy <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM projectVacancy WHERE OccupancyPercentage < 1")
projectWithVacancy <- subset(projectWithVacancy)

# Create some Awesome Graphs              #

png("rrhCountsGraph.png", height = 1200, width = 1200, res = 250, pointsize = 8)
rrhCountsGraph <- ggplot(data = counts, aes(x = Category, y = Count, fill = Category)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    labs(title = "Permanent Supportive Housing Eligibe") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none") +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Spectral")

n <- 60
qual_col_pals =[$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
levels <- seq(nrow(projectVacancy))
projectVacancy$Order <- levels
png("projectVacancy.png", height = 1200, width = 1200, res = 250, pointsize = 8)
projectVacancyGraph <- ggplot(data = projectVacancy, aes(x = reorder(ProjectName, -projectVacancy$Order), y = OccupancyPercentage, fill = ProjectName)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    labs(title = "Occupancy by Housing Projects") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none") +

n <- 60
qual_col_pals =[$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
levels <- seq(nrow(projectWithVacancy))
projectWithVacancy$Order <- levels

vacancyPal <- c("#70AD47", "#47A3AD", "#AD5147", "#8447AD")

png("projectWithVacancy.png", height = 1200, width = 1200, res = 250, pointsize = 8)
projectWithVacancyGraph <- ggplot(data = projectWithVacancy,
        aes(x = reorder(ProjectName, Order), y = OccupancyPercentage, fill = OccupancyPercentage)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1, color = vacancyPal[4]) +
    scale_fill_gradient2(low = "green", mid = vacancyPal[1], high = vacancyPal[2]) +
    labs(title = "Occupancy by Project") +
    xlab("Current Occupancy %") +
    ylab("Occupancy %") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 16),
          axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none") +

# Format Workbook, Add Graphs, and Write  #`
# Theme
color_column_background <- "#70AD47"
color_header_font_color <- "#FFFFFF"
column_header_font_size <- 18

## Header Styles
headerStyle1 <- createStyle(fgFill = color_column_background,
                            valign = "top",
                            halign = "CENTER",
                            fontColour = color_header_font_color,
                            fontSize = column_header_font_size)

# Create the Workbook
homebaseWorkbook <- createWorkbook()

# Add the needed sheets.
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "Dashboard")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "EligibleForPSH")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "EligibleForRRH")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "Possibly Active")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "Housed")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "AssistToList")
addWorksheet(homebaseWorkbook, sheetName = "Report Details")

# Add the data to worksheets.
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 2, x = homebase_psh, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 3, x = homebase_rrh, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 4, x = homebase_possibly_active, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 5, x = homebase_housed, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 6, x = homebase_assistToList, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)
writeDataTable(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 7, x = reportDetails, colNames = TRUE, tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9", headerStyle = headerStyle1)

# Format the columns for readability.
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 2, cols = 2:ncol(homebase_psh), widths = "auto")
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 3, cols = 2:ncol(homebase_rrh), widths = "auto")
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 4, cols = 2:ncol(homebase_possibly_active), widths = "auto")
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 5, cols = 2:ncol(homebase_housed), widths = "auto")
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 6, cols = 2:ncol(homebase_assistToList), widths = "auto")
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 7, cols = 2:ncol(reportDetails), widths = "auto")

# Format first column statically.  For some reason, 'auto' clips the PersonalID
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 2, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 3, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 4, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 5, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 6, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)
setColWidths(homebaseWorkbook, 2, cols = 1:1, widths = 38)

# Format rows.
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 2, rows = 1:1, height = 40)
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 3, rows = 1:1, height = 40)
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 4, rows = 1:1, height = 40)
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 5, rows = 1:1, height = 40)
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 6, rows = 1:1, height = 40)
setRowHeights(homebaseWorkbook, 7, rows = 1:1, height = 40)

# Freeze the top row
freezePane(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 2, firstRow = TRUE)
freezePane(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 3, firstRow = TRUE)
freezePane(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 4, firstRow = TRUE)
freezePane(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 5, firstRow = TRUE)
freezePane(homebaseWorkbook, sheet = 6, firstRow = TRUE)

#### Add Graphs to Workbook ######
print(rrhCountsGraph) #plot needs to be showing
insertPlot(homebaseWorkbook, 1, width = 7.87, height = 5.5, fileType = "png", units = "in")

# Openxlsx requires zip.exe to save the workbook.  Weird.
Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = "C:/Rtools/bin/zip.exe")
today <- Sys.Date()
saveWorkbook(homebaseWorkbook, paste(outputPath, "\\", "Homebase_v2_", today, ".xlsx", sep =""), overwrite = TRUE)

openXL(paste(outputPath, "\\", "Homebase_v2_", today, ".xlsx", sep = ""))

The whole thing relies on some R functions I've written to assist:

HMIS Functions

  # Thanks SO. 
pkgTest <- function(x)
  if (!require(x,character.only = TRUE))
    library(x, character.only =  TRUE)
    if(!require(x,character.only = TRUE)) stop("Package not found")
  } else {
    library(x, character.only =  TRUE)


loadAffiliation <- function(path = getwd()){
  affiliation <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Affiliation.csv", sep = ""))

loadClient <- function(path = getwd()){
  client <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Client.csv", sep = ""))

loadDisabilities <- function(path = getwd()) {
  disabilities <- read.csv(paste(path,  "/Disabilities.csv", sep = ""))

loadEmployementEducation <- function(path = getwd()) {
  employementEducation <- read.csv(paste(path, "/EmploymentEducation.csv", sep = ""))

loadEnrollment <- function(path = getwd()) {
  enrollment <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Enrollment.csv", sep = ""))

loadEnrollmentCoc <- function(path = getwd()) {
  enrollmentCoc <- read.csv(paste(path, "/EnrollmentCoC.csv", sep = ""))

loadExit <- function(path = getwd()) {
  exit <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Exit.csv", sep = ""))

loadExport <- function(path = getwd()) {
  export <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Export.csv", sep = ""))

loadFunder <- function(path = getwd()){
  funder <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Funder.csv", sep = ""))

loadHealthAndDv <- function(path = getwd()){
  healthAndDv <- read.csv(paste(path, "/HealthAndDV.csv", sep = ""))

loadIncomeBenefits <- function(path = getwd()){
  incomeBenefits <- read.csv(paste(path, "/IncomeBenefits.csv", sep = ""))

loadInventory <- function(path = getwd()){
  inventory <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Inventory.csv", sep = ""))

loadOrganization <- function(path = getwd()){
  organization <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Organization.csv", sep = "")) 

loadProject <- function(path = getwd()){
  project <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Project.csv", sep = ""))

loadProjectCoc <- function(path = getwd()){
  projectCoc <- read.csv(paste(path, "/ProjectCoC.csv", sep = ""))

loadServices <- function(path = getwd()){
  services <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Services.csv", sep = ""))

loadSite <- function(path = getwd()){
  site <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Site.csv", sep = ""))

# loadHMISCsvs51 <- function(path) {
#   affiliation <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Affiliation.csv", sep = ""))
#   client <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Client.csv", sep = ""))
#   disabilities <- read.csv(paste(path,  "/Disabilities.csv", sep = ""))
#   employementEducation <- read.csv(paste(path, "/EmploymentEducation.csv", sep = ""))
#   enrollment <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Enrollment.csv", sep = ""))
#   exit <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Exit.csv", sep = ""))
#   export <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Export.csv", sep = ""))
#   funder <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Funder.csv", sep = ""))
#   healthAndDv <- read.csv(paste(path, "/HealthAndDV.csv", sep = ""))
#   incomeBenefits <- read.csv(paste(path, "/IncomeBenefits.csv", sep = ""))
#   inventory <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Inventory.csv", sep = ""))
#   organization <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Organization.csv", sep = ""))
#   project <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Project.csv", sep = ""))
#   projectCoc <- read.csv(paste(path, "/ProjectCoC.csv", sep = ""))
#   services <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Services.csv", sep = ""))
#   site <- read.csv(paste(path, "/Site.csv", sep = ""))
#   return(c(services, site))
# }

makeDestinationReadable <- function (df) {
  df <- exit
  df <- sqldf("SELECT *, Destination as 'ReadableDestination' FROM df")
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "1"] <- "Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "2"] <- "Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth)"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "3"] <- "Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as: CoC project; or HUD legacy programs; or HOPWA PH)"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "4"] <- "Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "5"] <- "Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "6"] <- "Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "7"] <- "Jail, prison or juvenile detention facility"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "8"] <- "Client doesn’t know"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "9"] <- "Client refused"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "10"] <- "Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "11"] <- "Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "12"] <- "Staying or living with family, temporary tenure (e.g., room, apartment or house)"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "13"] <- "Staying or living with friends, temporary tenure (e.g., room apartment or house)"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "14"] <- "Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "15"] <- "Foster care home or foster care group home"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "16"] <- "Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside)"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "17"] <- "Other"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "18"] <- "Safe Haven"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "19"] <- "Rental by client, with VASH housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "20"] <- "Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "21"] <- "Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "22"] <- "Staying or living with family, permanent tenure"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "23"] <- "Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "24"] <- "Deceased"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "25"] <- "Long-term care facility or nursing home"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "26"] <- "Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "27"] <- "Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA TH"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "28"] <- "Rental by client, with GPD TIP housing subsidy"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "29"] <- "Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "30"] <- "No exit interview completed"
  df$ReadableDestination[df$ReadableDestination == "99"] <- "Data not collected"


makeProjectTypeReadable <- function (df) {
  df <- sqldf("SELECT *, ProjectType as 'ReadableProjectType' FROM df")
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "1"] <- "Emergency Shelter"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "2"] <- "Transitional Housing"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "3"] <- "PH - Permanent Supportive Housing"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "4"] <- "Street Outreach"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "5"] <- "Services Only"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "6"] <- "Other"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "7"] <- "Safe Haven"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "8"] <- "PH – Housing Only"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "10"] <- "PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry)"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "11"] <- "Day Shelter"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "12"] <- "Homelessness Prevention"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "13"] <- "PH - Rapid Re-Housing"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "14"] <- "Coordinated Assessment"


makeRaceReadable <- function(client){
  client$AmIndAKNativ[client$AmIndAKNative == "1"] <- "American Indian or Alaska Native"
  client$Asian[client$Asian == "1"] <- "Asian"
  client$BlackAfAmerican[client$BlackAfAmerican == "1"] <- "Black or African American"
  client$NativeHIOtherPacific[client$NativeHIOtherPacific == "1"] <- "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander"
  client$White[client$White == "1"] <- "White"
  client$RaceNone[client$RaceNone == "8"] <- "Client doesnt know"
  client$RaceNone[client$RaceNone == "9"] <- "Client refused"
  client$RaceNone[client$RaceNone == "99"] <- "Data not collected"

makeGenderReadable <- function(client) {

  # HMIS CSV 5.1
  # 0 Female
  # 1 Male
  # 2 Transgender male to female
  # 3 Transgender female to male
  # 4 Doesn’t identify as male, female, or transgender
  # 8 Client doesn’t know
  # 9 Client refused
  # 99 Data not collected

  client$Gender[client$Gender == "0"] <- "Female"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "1"] <- "Male"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "2"] <- "Transgender male to female"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "3"] <- "Transgender female to male"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "4"] <- "Doesn’t identify as male, female, or transgender"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "8"] <- "Client doesn’t know"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "9"] <- "Client refused"
  client$Gender[client$Gender == "99"] <- "Data not collected"


makeVeteranStatusReadable <- function(client) {

  # HMIS CSV 5.1
  # 0 No
  # 1 Yes
  # 8 Client doesn’t know
  # 9 Client refused
  # 99 Data not collected

  client$VeteranStatus[client$VeteranStatus == "0"] <- "No"
  client$VeteranStatus[client$VeteranStatus == "1"] <- "Yes"
  client$VeteranStatus[client$VeteranStatus == "8"] <- "Client doesn’t know"
  client$VeteranStatus[client$VeteranStatus == "9"] <- "Client refused"
  client$VeteranStatus[client$VeteranStatus == "99"] <- "Data not collected"


makeEthnicityReadable <- function(client) {

  # HMIS CSV 5.1
  # 0 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino
  # 1 Hispanic/Latino
  # 8 Client doesn’t know
  # 9 Client refused
  # 99 Data not collected

  client$Ethnicity[client$Ethnicity == "0"] <- "Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino"
  client$Ethnicity[client$Ethnicity == "1"] <- "Hispanic/Latino"
  client$Ethnicity[client$Ethnicity == "8"] <- "Client doesn’t know"
  client$Ethnicity[client$Ethnicity == "9"] <- "Client refused"
  client$Ethnicity[client$Ethnicity == "99"] <- "Data not collected"


combineRaceColumnsAndMakeReadable <- function(client){
  client$AmIndAKNativ[client$AmIndAKNative == "0"] <- ""
  client$Asian[client$Asian == "0"] <- ""
  client$BlackAfAmerican[client$BlackAfAmerican == "0"] <- ""
  client$NativeHIOtherPacific[client$NativeHIOtherPacific == "0"] <- ""
  client$White[client$White == "0"] <- ""  
  client$RaceNone[client$RaceNone == "0"] <- ""

  client <- makeRaceReadable(client)
  client$Race <- paste(client$AmIndAKNativ, client$Asian, client$BlackAfAmerican, client$NativeHIOtherPacific, client$White, client$RaceNone, sep = " ")
  client$Race <- gsub(" NA", "",client$Race)
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "AmIndAKNative")]
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "Asian")] 
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "BlackAfAmerican")]
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "NativeHIOtherPacific")]
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "White")]
  client <- client[,-which(names(client) == "RaceNone")]

addDisabilityInfoToClient <- function(client, disabilities){

  # From HMIS CSV Programming Specifications 5.1
  # 5 = Physical disability
  clientsWithPhysicalDisability <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As PhysicalDisability 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                         WHERE DisabilityType = 5
                                         AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientsWithPhysicalDisability <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientsWithPhysicalDisability, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.PhysicalDisability
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientsWithPhysicalDisability b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)

  # 6 Developmental disability
  clientDevelopmentalDisability <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As DevelopmentalDisability 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                            WHERE DisabilityType = 6
                                            AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientDevelopmentalDisability <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientDevelopmentalDisability, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  clientDevelopmentalDisability <- subset(clientDevelopmentalDisability)

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.DevelopmentalDisability
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientDevelopmentalDisability b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)

  # 7 Chronic health condition
  clientChronicHealthCondition <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As ChronicHealthCondition 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                        WHERE DisabilityType = 7
                                        AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientChronicHealthCondition <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientChronicHealthCondition, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.ChronicHealthCondition
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientChronicHealthCondition b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)

  # 8 HIV/AIDS
  clientHivAids         <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As 'HIV/AIDS' 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                        WHERE DisabilityType = 8
                                        AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientHivAids <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientHivAids, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.'HIV/AIDS'
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientHivAids b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)

  # 9 Mental health problem
  clientMentalHealthProblem <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As MentalHealthProblem 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                     WHERE DisabilityType = 9
                                     AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientMentalHealthProblem <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientMentalHealthProblem, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.MentalHealthProblem
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientMentalHealthProblem b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)

  # 10 Substance abuse
  clientSubstanceAbuse      <- sqldf("SELECT *, 'Yes' As SubstanceAbuse 
                                         FROM disabilities
                                     WHERE DisabilityType = 10
                                     AND DisabilityResponse = 1

  clientSubstanceAbuse <- getMostRecentRecordsPerId(clientSubstanceAbuse, "PersonalID", "InformationDate")

  client <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.SubstanceAbuse
                  FROM client a
                  LEFT JOIN clientSubstanceAbuse b
                  ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  client <- subset(client)


makeDisabilityTypeReadable <- function(disabilities){
  # From HMIS CSV Programming Specifications 5.1
  # 5 Physical disability
  # 6 Developmental disability
  # 7 Chronic health condition
  # 8 HIV/AIDS
  # 9 Mental health problem
  # 10 Substance abuse
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "5"] <- "Physical disability"
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "6"] <- "Developmental disability"
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "7"] <- "PhysicalChronic health condition"
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "8"] <- "Chronic health condition"
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "9"] <- "HIV/AIDS"
  disabilities$DisabilityType[disabilities$DisabilityType == "10"] <- "Substance abuse"

makeTrackingMethodReadable <- function(df) {
  df <- sqldf("SELECT *, ProjectType as 'ReadableTrackingMethod' FROM df")
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "0"] <- "Entry/Exit Date"
  df$ReadableProjectType[df$ReadableProjectType == "3"] <- "Night-by-Night"

# activeRecords <- activeFilter(df, "occStartDate", "occEndDate", "2017-01-23", '2017-01-26')
activeFilter <- function(df, dateVector1, dateVector2, beginRange, endRange){
  df[] <- ""
  df[dateVector1,] <- as.character(df[dateVector1,])
  df[dateVector2,] <- as.character(df[dateVector2,])
  str <- paste("SELECT * FROM df WHERE (", dateVector1, "< '", endRange, "' AND ", dateVector2, " = '') OR (", dateVector1, "< '", endRange, "' AND ", dateVector2, " > '", beginRange, "')", sep = "")

# Get active Enrollments
getActiveHudEnrollments <- function(enrollment, exit, project){
  project <- makeProjectTypeReadable(project)

  project <- subset(project)

  activeEnrollment <- sqldf("SELECT *
                            FROM enrollment a
                            LEFT JOIN exit b
                            ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
                            WHERE b.ProjectEntryID IS NULL")

  activeEnrollment <- subset(activeEnrollment)

  activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- sqldf("SELECT b.ProjectType, b.ReadableProjectType, b.ProjectID, b.ProjectName, a.*
                                            FROM activeEnrollment a
                                            INNER JOIN project b
                                            ON a.ProjectID=b.ProjectID

  activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- subset(activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo)

addProjectInfoToEnrollment <- function(enrollment, project){
  project <- makeProjectTypeReadable(project)
  enrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.ProjectType, b.ReadableProjectType, b.ProjectName, b.TrackingMethod
                                            FROM enrollment a
                                            INNER JOIN project b
                                            ON a.ProjectID=b.ProjectID

  enrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- subset(enrollmentsWithProjectInfo)

getMostRecentRecordsPerId <- function(df, idHeader, dateHeader){
  str <- paste("SELECT *, MAX(", dateHeader, "), 'Yes' As Max", dateHeader, " FROM df GROUP BY ", idHeader, sep = "")
  bfr <- sqldf(str)

getClientsInPH <- function(enrollment, exit, project) {

  ### START ###
  ##### Active in PH Projects #################
  ############## Incomplete ###################

  project <- makeProjectTypeReadable(project)

  project <- subset(project)

  activeEnrollment <- sqldf("SELECT *
                            FROM enrollment a 
                            LEFT JOIN exit b
                            ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
                            WHERE b.ProjectEntryID IS NULL")

  activeEnrollment <- subset(activeEnrollment)

  activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- sqldf("SELECT b.ProjectType, b.ReadableProjectType, b.ProjectID, b.ProjectName, a.*
                                            FROM activeEnrollment a
                                            INNER JOIN project b
                                            ON a.ProjectID=b.ProjectID

  activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo <- subset(activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo)

  # PSH = 3
  # RRH = 13
  clientsActiveInPh <- sqldf("SELECT PersonalID, 'Yes' As 'ActiveInPH'
                             FROM activeEnrollmentsWithProjectInfo
                             WHERE ProjectType = 3
                             OR ProjectType = 13

  clientsActiveInPh <- subset(clientsActiveInPh)

getClientsInPHWithinRange <- function(enrollment, exit, project, beginDate, endDate) {

  enrollment$EntryDate <- as.character(enrollment$EntryDate)
  exit$ExitDate <- as.character(exit$ExitDate)

  project <- makeProjectTypeReadable(project)

  project <- subset(project)

  enrollmentWithProjectInfo <- sqldf("SELECT b.ProjectType, b.ReadableProjectType, b.ProjectID, b.ProjectName, a.*
                                     FROM enrollment a
                                     INNER JOIN project b
                                     ON a.ProjectID=b.ProjectID

  enrollmentWithProjectInfo <- subset(enrollmentWithProjectInfo)

  str <- paste("SELECT * FROM enrollmentWithProjectInfo WHERE (ProjectType = 3 OR ProjectType = 13) AND EntryDate < '", beginDate, "'", sep = "")

  phEnrollment <- sqldf(str)

  str2 <- paste("SELECT * FROM exit WHERE ExitDate < '", endDate, "'", sep = "")
  relevantExit <- sqldf(str2)

  activeEnrollment <- sqldf("SELECT *
                            FROM phEnrollment a
                            LEFT JOIN relevantExit b
                            ON a.ProjectEntryID=b.ProjectEntryID
                            WHERE b.ProjectEntryID IS NULL")

  ###################### Left off Here #################################

getWeeksBetween <- function(beginDate, endDate){
  difftime(strptime(endDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), strptime(beginDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), units="weeks") 

getMonthsBetween <- function(beginDate, endDate){
  (as.yearmon(strptime(endDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))-
     as.yearmon(strptime(beginDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")))*12

getQuartersBetween <- function(beginDate, endDate){
  (as.yearqtr(strptime(endDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))-
     as.yearqtr(strptime(beginDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")))*4

getYearsBetween <- function(beginDate, endDate){
  (as.yearmon(strptime(endDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))-
     as.yearmon(strptime(beginDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")))

addChronicallyHomelessFlagToClient <- function(client, enrollment){
  ##### Get those with Disabling Condition ###
  enrolledWithDisability <- sqldf("SELECT *
                              FROM enrollment
                              WHERE DisablingCondition = 1")

  ##### Length-of-Stay ########################
  # Participants who meet the length-of-stay in homelessness requirement
  # Either through four or more occurences with cumulative duration exceeding a year
  # Or a consequtive year.
  #                 113 = "12 Months"
  #                 114 = "More than 12 Months"
  chronicityDf <- sqldf("SELECT *
                        FROM enrolledWithDisability
                        WHERE (TimesHomelessPastThreeYears = 4
                          AND (
                            MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears = 113
                            OR MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears = 114)
                            OR (CAST(JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(DateToStreetESSH) AS Integer) > 364
                            AND (DateToStreetESSH != '')

  ##### Chronically Homeless ##################
  # Take the distinct PersonalIDs of individuals who meet both chronicity
  # and disabling condition.

  chClient <- sqldf("SELECT DISTINCT(PersonalID), 'Yes' As 'ChronicallyHomeless'
                        FROM chronicityDf

  # Get client info for chronically homeless.
  chClient <- sqldf("SELECT a.*, b.'ChronicallyHomeless'
                    FROM client a
                    LEFT JOIN chClient b
                    ON a.PersonalID=b.PersonalID

  chClient <- subset(chClient)
